My advice to the hopefuls is this: Come with a model in your clothes, I did this season one, two, and three and it is the most effective way of showing your clothes.
Be organised and ready, fashion does not wait for anyone. Presentation in the industry is 60 percent of what editors etc are looking for. Also make sure your pieces are made beautifully, construction is key. Also, choose clothing items that best suit your style, be confident when the judges ask you questions regarding your design choices. Be very specific on your thoughts and do not be wishy washy about them. Listen and do not be afraid, the panel wants you to be good.
Present items that the mainstream can relate too, a goose feather dress with hood detail unless done beautifully will only leave the judges to wonder if you are ready for the mainstream market that American fashion requires.I do love couture but there are ways of refining it.
Make sure your portfolio is a real portfolio. Leave your Chinese fans, sunglasses, and other accoutrements at home. Fashion already has a Lagerfeld , A Sonya Rykiel and a Tom Ford, just be who you are. Individuality is key. Believe in your work and who you are, and look like a million dollars when you walk in that room. Save your training clothes for the gym.
Break a leg and a heel and Good luck! I look forward to meeting you next season. I wish you all a very long and prosperous career in this world I love.
Malan Breton