Our merry band of recappers marvel at the fug this week:
David Dust nails it with his team names...
Eric3000 is offering free grain training...
suzq gets all professorial on us...
Uncle Nick separates the bad from the really bad...
Laura Bennett separates the sucky from the really sucky...
Jordan Baker can walk her dog and recap at the same time...
Mellie is back from vacation and in fine form...
Elizabeth wants in on the production meetings...
Maxthegirl has fallene, and she can't get up...
Red Poppy is feeling musical...
Erin calls us truffles, red pandas and chickadees...
Second City Style gives you more than just the quotes...
Katnap keeps it short and sweet...
Lifetme gives us Peach, Mychael Knight and Johnathan Kayne...
Blogging Life is cheering for Josh...
Toyouke can't wait for next week and neither can we.
Thank you recappers, we'll see you in seven!
UPDATE: We have a couple of additional recaps: Brian, Seth Aaron, and The Democracy Diva. Thank you all!