Photo: NickVerreos.com
Greetings recap fans! It's time once again for a little stroll down looza lane as we check in with our favorite recappers to see what they had to say about Episode 4. Do you think there will be any mention of Nina?
Uncle Nick knows Nina likes the mustard...
David Dust channels Blair from The Facts of Life...
Eric3000 also doubles as a bartender...
Laura Bennett always has interesting insights...
Elizabeth gets bitter and cranky...
Mellie plans to bring the acorn squash puree..
Jordan Baker's cat tried to pierce her nose...
Maxthegirl is not sweating through her suit...
The Democracy Diva thinks Bryce sneaked through...
Brian plans to fill his closet with mustard...
Second City Style always delivers...
Robert is new to the looza...
Blogging Life tries to hyphenate the hair salon...
and Toyouke closes the deal.
Have a recap to share? Send the link to Team BPR. Deadline is midnight Saturday.Thanks again recappers for the sass and snark. See you next week!
Update: Don't miss Erin and suzq!