Tim will be at the Lucky Brand store at the Shops at La Cantera hosting a fashion show and Q&A at 1:00.
Click here for more information.
Click here for a new interview from The San Antonio Current.
A highlight:
I love your comment about being in the Witness Protection Program.* Do you have any sort of friendly relationship with Anna Wintour now?
[Laughs] Well, let me put it this way. In any environment that I think she might be present, my radar is up and highly tuned-in. Because I want to be able to navigate around her; she wants to be able to navigate around me, too. Trust me. [I attended] a dinner for Narciso Rodriguez and she was there and they were probably five tables in and I was seated next to her daughter Bee, who is lovely — just gorgeous and just incredibly articulate and funny and smart and we just had a great time. And every time I looked over at Ms. Wintour’s table, she’d be staring at us like, “Die scum, die.” It was funny to be seated next to her daughter.
*Gunn has joked that he’s in a witness protection program after infuriating Vogue editor Anna Wintour by including an anecdote in Gunn’s Golden Rules about her being carried down five flights of stairs by bodyguards.