Photo: Barbara Nitke/Lifetime Entertainment Services
Now things are getting a bit interesting. It's "The Finale Challenge" for the five remaining designers on Project Runway Season 9 where they will "try to make the cut by creating a minicollection that emphasizes their overall fashion vision". Who will survive for a chance at the big prize? Team BPR will be watching it all go down this evening and invite you to join us:
- Tbone and suzq are the hostests with the mostests in the BPR live play by play/party room. Join Runway fans from across the land as we watch Episode 12 together. Doors open at 8:30 p.m.
- It's another "After The Runway" special at 10:30 p.m. and we'll keep the party room going until the end. Will we get more fireworks from Laura Bennett? Will the mystery of Laura Kathleen's absence be solved? Will we discover who Tim refers as the Season 9 villain? You know you want to watch.
- After the show, share your opinions on tonight's episode in our weekly reactions thread, posted immediately after it airs on the east coast.
Just two episodes remaining before the finale! See you tonight on BPR.