Hiya BPR!
Well, it's been a while, and I have just filmed another episode of How Do I Look?, so I promise to write not one but two BTS passages about the experience for you guys. But, bigger news than that is that I am producing a dance piece with Jamie, and it is performing this weekend. He did the choreography and I did the costumes. It should be a lot of fun, complete with a piece where we dance a small duet. Those that can make it will get to find out who is "the sh*t". Literally. [Ed. note: no actual pooping is involved...] I've pasted the press release below, so BPR has all the info.
Bathroom Follies 8:30PM
Friday and Saturday, February 16 AND 17
Highways Performance Space
1651 18th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Contact: Leo Garcia
For Immediate Release (310) 453-1755
DANCE, FASHION, SPECIAL EVENTS leogarcia@highwaysperformance.org
Project Runway designer and chroreographer collaborate on dance presentation about public restroom life, on Friday and Saturday, February 16 and 17.
Click here for more information.