BPR welcomes back Season 3 designer Katherine Gerdes for her exclusive take on Season 4. Katy not only gives us her insight as a professional designer but also as a former contestant. Welcome back Katy!
Season 4: Episode 1 “Sew Me What You Got”
Yeah! Project Runway is back! Hopefully you guys are as excited as I am! Personally, I’m really hoping that the extra time they took to edit and put this season together will make it a much stronger show this time around.
Before I start, I just want to make a quick disclaimer… I don’t know anything about the new show, or any “behind the scenes” details and I’ve never met any of the new designers. I know as much about this season as you guys do, so my opinions are based purely on what I see on Wednesday nights. I’m definitely not looking to offend or tear anyone’s designs apart (Project Rungay is where I go for that… Love TLO!), but I’ll try to explain why I like or dislike the designs as nicely as I can. Please feel free to disagree with me, but as the season goes along, know that I’m not trying to pick on your favorite designer or dislike their designs based on the designers’ personalities.
Thanks a lot to BPR for asking me to do “Katy’s Take” again!
I just have to say quickly, that overall I was really impressed with the construction quality of most of the garments. I wasn’t into many of the actual designs, but the construction looked pretty good for almost everyone!
On with the show:
Click here to continue reading Katy's Take as she responds to each of the designs from the Season 4 premiere.