The mother-daughter challenge resulted in some mixed, yet still funny, reviews from the recapping brigade:
You just know David Dust still has this catalog in his closet...
The New Old Biddy has some words for Tory Burch...
Eric3000 calls it a national holiday...
Cliff is back from vacation...
Elisa: a mini-bag lady and a clown walk into a bar...
Jordan Baker is not the only one worried about Kate Winslet...
Maxthegirl comes up with the funiest titles...
Hannah noticed Tim on the dirty floor...
Lorraine saw an episode of Kid Hater Theater...
Miz Shoes shares her perky demeanor...
Second City Style says ho-hum...
And Toyouke takes us home.
If you have a recap to share, e-mail the link to Team BPR. Thanks gang!
Update: Click here for The Mysterious Q.