Monday, February 15, 2010

WesFeld 2010

BPR Field Reporter Jessica Switaj attended Wesley Nault and Daniel Feld's show on Wednesday and sends us this report - thanks Jes!

On Wednesday evening, February 10th, I attended the GenArt New Garde fashion show, held at Drive-in Studios in Manhattan. As you probably already know, Wesley Nault and Daniel Feld were the stars of the evening, having recently won the GenArt competition sponsored by Plastics Make It Possible.

They used their $10,000 prize money to create an amazing collection inspired by past and present sea life, including coral, barnacles, trilobite fossils and conch shells. The inspiration was clearly present in each gorgeous, painstakingly constructed piece. I was able to stop by the WesFeld studio a few days before the show, so I can attest to the nearly countless hours that were taken to make these designs phenomenal.

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