Uncle Nick provides a little fashion history lesson...
Eric3000 does his best to figure out the challenge...
Maxthegirl is getting all fancy with her screencaps...
Red Poppy gives us an uninterrupted soliloquy...
Ms.Place found herself nodding off...
Laura Bennett has fashion psychic powers...
Carol Hannah loves her some January Jones...
Jordan Baker, oh yes they did...
Katnap has great lists on her sidebar...
Second City Style didn't think the runway was rough...
Democracy Diva knows a snoozefest when she sees one...
Brian is already looking forward to next week...
And Toyouke closes it out.
Update: Don't miss Choco Chanel, Dishin' Dat, and Girly Shoes.
Thank you recappers - see you next week! If you have a recap to share, e-mail the link to Team BPR.