Sunday, October 02, 2011


Josh stays in the game, much to the dismay of our recap regulars:

Jordan Baker loves baseball and Project Runway...
Eric3000's version of this episode is so much better...
David Dust drives Miss Daisy to Studio 54...
Uncle Nick knows the Project Runway game...
Laura Bennett has a red phone hotline...
Maxthegirl has a theory about Olivia Palermo...
Brian calls producer influence...
Democracy Diva says Viktor wuz robbed...
Katnap is back from hiatus...
Second City Style thinks Anya is the judges favorite...
Robert thinks Kimberly was lucky...
Karen forgot all about Kimberly...
Renee doesn't get the decision...
and Toyouke is on the lookout for hot makeup guy.

Thank you recappers -see you next week!

Update: Isabelle loses one of her favorites!