Justin Couture's PR Recap - Episode 2
We present another recap by BPR guest writer Justin Couture. Let this serve as your snark warning!Episode 2 or 'Vera Wang doesn't do sound bites.'
The show starts with Angela remarking to no one in particular that it had been Stacey's turn to go. Since she's putting on makeup maybe she's talking to the pretty girl in the mirror. Jude Lawless/Keith says, while tracing a dress, that he doesn't care about immunity. Okay, I made the tracing part up. He was working on a trend report. For the show. For himself. Anyway, Malan says, without any sign of irritation, it is a great day and he's happy. Must be better Feng Shui at the Atlas so I'm thinking he's got better Chi or something.
Back on the runway Heidi brings out the models and announces that they are competing, too and reminds them that they will never appear on Sports Illustrated, wear angel wings for Victoria's Secret or marry someone with a record contract with Warner Brothers. The models get switched around and then Heidi tells them that they will design for an icon of American beauty. They are shocked and awed to see Tara Conner, Miss U.S.A. although I suspect if she didn't have on a crown and banner only Febreze-sniffer Kayne would have had a clue to the identity.
Tara tells the designers that the evening gown will be 1/3 of her score in the Miss Universe pageant. Kayne says he is fricking excited but I suspect that any opportunity involving rhinestones and sequins produces a similar effect. In his mind I think he is having a dream sequence in which all the designers lift him into the air and then go into a snappy dance number while he sings about fulfilling his destiny. Anyway, Heidi tells Miss U.S.A. to get changed and to meet the designers in the workroom. I think Heidi doesn't much like Tara of the Tiara.Click here to continue reading.