Attention NYC! We have more info about Kara's Trunk Show at Girlshop Boutique: The date is July 27th - an update from the previous post - and you can RSVP here (put RSVP in the subject line).
Here are a few more specifics from Kara:
Girlshop has informed me that NY Magazine will be hosting and sponsoring the event. There will be fabulous goodie bags cocktails and snacks. They are expecting a large crowd, so I'd love to get all my peeps through the door.
Please let us know if you are planning to attend - thanks!
Next, there is a story about Emmett's Trunk Show and Sale today in the New York Post. Thanks Kara. It's not too late to head out to Martha Clara Vineyards for Chloe and Emmett's appearance today. Please send photos!
Look for Kara's pants on the cover of Surface magazine this month too. I couldn't find an on-line link so if anyone can send us a scan we would really appreciate it!
ETA: We also hear that Tim is on VH1's Best Week Ever!
Last, here is a note from Kenneth Fron:
Hi- Laura, Scarlett and Tbone!
Wanted to let you know I watched "Road To The Runway" and Episode #1 of PR last night. I can't believe how exciting and fast paced it all is!!! The show remains soooo inspiring! All night, I was even dreaming of creating fun little tube tops and colorful print dresses, that would incorporate my jewelry designs as "Straps" to hold up the fashions! Who knows, maybe the next time the PR auditions are in Chicago, I might be standing in line!
It's amazing how you get drawn into the lives of all the contestants. I have to say I am disappointed Stacey was eliminated so quickly as she seemed so happy-go-lucky, talented and passionate. I am also really taking a strong initial liking to Laura! She is a girl after my own heart, so classy and refined....when she made the comment: "It is easy with kids and all the craziness in life to slide into some tee-shirts and sweats and I just don't go there"! I was busting up! I can also appreciate Vincent (Mr. basket man's) drive....when you have a lot on the line, withdrawing your 401k and time is becoming more and more precious - - -you try a little too hard, and like Heidi said - -"less is more". and thank goodness he survived to the next round!
I love Project Runway so much!!! I also wonder if it is time to do a NEW VOTE this week to see how things changed from PRE-SHOW to POST-EPISODE #1 of SEASON #3. I know I personally changed my mind from one contestant to another!!!