Thursday, July 13, 2006

Trish's Dish!

My day at the EMc2 event!

Wow - what a day!

I had originally planned to leave my house in New Jersey around 3:30 to arrive in the city, park my car (I found a lot online) and get over to EMc2. I was going to visit the store, hang out for a bit, leave and then head over to Bar Bossa for the show.

Around the time I was planning to leave, thunder/lightning started over here, so after watching the weather report (from our reliable Sam Champion here in the tri-state area!) I figured I'd wait a bit and then head over. I actually got in the car around 4.

I made it over the bridge and down the West Side Highway fairly easily when suddenly the skies OPENED!!! All I could think was a. OMG I can't see 2 feet in front of me! and b. OMG the garden at Emmett's store!!! Finally after sitting on Canal Street for forever (see pic on my site!) I made it to the lot on Mulberry Street, parked and walked over to EMc2 (a few blocks). I was going to wait in the garage for it to let up, but it just didn't seem like that would ever happen (plus I was excited! hehe!).
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