This is Donna Hogan on her Train Wreck: The Life and Death of Anna Nicole Smith
Did everyone see Nick Verreos on "Workout" this week? I missed it. I wonder if there will be a repeat....
Speaking of Nick - he has been very busy lately! Fortunately he and David are very organized and always keep his blog updated. This makes it easy for us! Check it out. Nick also will be at Tim's book signing at FIDM tomorrow. Scarlett has added a link to Tim's book tour schedule in our sidebar. She's the BEST Webmistress ever!
Here is a fellow blogger's post about seeing Tim at Barnes and Noble.
This is an interview with Chloe Dao about a new campaign that she is involved in. I don't know how Chloe does it all. Don't forget that her new line for QVC will debut on May 10th!
Ugly Betty actress Becki Newton is a Tim Gunn stalker! Thanks Deb.
Tim and Kate offer fashion advice in the Boston Globe.
Tim Gunn will be on Rachael Ray on May 18th. Thanks Deb.
Please continue to send in your field reports from the book tour. Thanks BPRs.