Saturday, August 22, 2009
Amanda's Take - Season 6, Episode 1
I went to a little party for the premiere of PR6 and it was also my friend Lisa Blades' birthday! One of the designers from the show was there too.. Carol Hannah! As soon as I found out she was from South Carolina I had to take a pic because I'm from North Carolina!
Oh, BPRs, how I have missed you!
As excited as I am for this season, it must be noted: the show and promotional advertising and the extra show, Models of the Runway - it is all a little... "overproduced"-feeling. The actual first episode of Project Runway 6, however, was fantastic. I was completely relieved that it was the same format, albeit no panning up and down the dresses during the judging!
Let's get to what you really want to hear from me, opinions on the catwalkers, those runway MODELS!
Click here to continue.