This week when you selected Greece, all I could think about was the myth about Icarus. He donned wings, not unlike the those you create for the Victoria Secret Angels with Izquierdo Studio. Like Icarus, you soared to heights in Episode 6 when you won the "Lights, Camera, Sew!" challenge. And last week you basked in the warm glow that is Bob Mackie which is probably like getting too close to the sun for a feather prince. But we know that you did not crash dramatically into the sea and drown; as Tim said, your look for this challenge was indeed beautifully executed - it was a matter of taste. You will continue to dress celebrity clients and collaborate with other acclaimed designers like Georgina Chapman and Keith Lissner because of the sophistication and impeccable detailing of the looks you create. But now you will have more opportunities to display your talent and we will be watching and cheering you on.
This post is only for positive words for Nicolas Putvinski.If you have negative commentary or something to say about another designer, you may do so in our Reactions post here.
Image courtesy of myLifetime.com.