Sunday, November 01, 2009


Uncle Nick gives us an inside look from the judges chair...
Just who is this "Laura Kluvo" recapping for the Arizona Republic?
Austin Scarlett has been recapping for Marie Claire...
Eric3000 didn't miss the source of CH's breakthrough...
Lorraine doesn't like the triumph of evil...
Jordan Baker does Logan haiku...
Miz Shoes has caught up with her snarky takes...
Elisa rightly calls out Heidi on "the hardest decision"...
Maxthegirl bids farewell to the hip Hanson brother...
Hayley gets sucked back in at Second City Style...
Red Poppy gets bonus points for a Frances Cleveland reference...
Watch Me Boogie was puzzled by the winner...
Ji Hyun still has not recovered from Shrin's elimination...
And we finish as always with Toyouke.

Thank you again recappers. We have one last challenge before the finale!