The distraction's from Friday's finale show at Bryant Park have pushed the 'looza back a bit this week. The season and the recapping must go on!
The Minx delivers a little kiss-kiss...
David Dust: Tango meets Mango...
Eric3000 is consistently one of the best...
Hurricane Ike couldn't stop Elise...
Green Owl brings us Private Tightpants and Bitternut Squash...
I want to go to one of Lorriane's viewing parties...
And I would like to bring Bay and Amy with me...
Epilonius could bring Kate's boobs...
(Seriously, wouldn't it be an absoulute riot to get all the recappers together for a viewing party?)
Cliffieland would be the DJ...
Elisa plays The Biggest Loser...
Miz Shoes says Straight Joe was robbed...
Dodi didn't miss the deadline this week...
Elizabeth sees the same sign over and over...
Jordan Baker was happy to see the double auf...
RJ Flamingo is having nightmares about Kenley's dress...
I don't know how Toyouke does these so quickly...
Thanks everyone! You were with us in spirit at Bryant Park.