Saturday, September 27, 2008


Eric3000 pits Kenley vs. Tim in clebrity ping-pong...
The Minx just steps back and lets the designers do the talking...
Jordan Baker specializes in bajingo location...
Green Owl hoots in glee...
Lorraine has a new talking bobblehead...
The Spielster tells Kenley to grow a pair or sew a pair...
Cliffieland also had a ping-pong inspiration...
The Grits To Glitz girls send Leanne a pizza...
TV Guide checks in this week...
Elise comes back strong this week...
Elizabeth can't beluieve the result...
Dodi liked Korto for the win...
RJ Flamingo noticed Jerell's schlump...
Max The Girl is back again...
Toyouke is usually the first one done...

Thank you dear, dedicated recappers. Sadly, we are getting close to the end. See you next week!