Give David Dust a tough tranny and a side of beef...
The Minx says Eight Is Enough...
Pink Navy: A Benihana in a trailer park...
Eric3000 has had just about enough of Pleather...
Helene Du Blonde busts Leanne with Jillian's old sweater...
Cliffie is Secret Agent Man...
Lorraine was scarfing down lemon pound cake and pecan pie...
Rya at MTV eulogizes her beloved Stella...
Bay and Amy get all verklempt...
It's the return of schanufblog!
Captain Mal has a new #1...
Green Owl gives you The Pretty, The Ugly and The Rest...
Elise couldn't get past Kenley trying to upstage DVF...
Quotes of the week from Second City Style...
RJ Flamingo had her DVR working overtime...
Jordan Baker is another ANTM fan...
Toyouke assumes the usual clean up position...
Elisa: Blayne as the sweaty Travolta...
Madeleine is a newbie - a real, live newbie...
Thank you recappers - see you next week! If you have a Project runway recap to share, send the link to Team BPR.
Thank you recappers - see you next week! If you have a Project runway recap to share, send the link to Team BPR.