This is how you do seatbelts. In "Fashion That Drives You", the ten remaining designers faced their second alternative materials challenge of the competition as they were tasked with creating a garment out of Saturn automotive parts. Six of the ten incorporated seat belts in their designs, but Korto Momolu was the only one to use the textile exclusively. The result was nothing short of stunning.

Korto created a gorgeous coat by weaving the seatbelts in a manner that alternated the grains and allowed lighting to give it a sleek, checkerbaord pattern. Guest judge Rachel Zoe proclaimed that she was ready to walk out of Parsons with it on. In what was easily the best collective design work of any episode in Season5, Korto's coat stood out. It has also carries the distinction of being the only design I've personally tried on!
Korto had already made her mark earlier in the competition with a win in the Olympic challenge. This design solidified her standing as a front runner and helped pave her path to the finale. Tomorrow we learn her fate but regardless the outcome, she has a permanent spot on the BPR Top 5. Congratulations Korto!