Swatch is watching you, Project Runway recappers! Let's see if you have any treats this week:
Eric3000 has seen this show before...
Uncle Nick was underwhelmed...
Laura Bennett was looking for ninja Ivy...
Mellie is a bitter biddy...
Democracy Diva says the heydays are behind us...
Jordan Baker's head explodes...
Maxthegirl tries to unhear some things...
Red Poppy is still looking for a wow moment...
Second City Style loses no steam...
And there is always our faithful Toyuke.
As a bonus for recappers and recap fans, check out this recent piece from NPR's On The Media program titled "The Art of the Recap". It's an interesting look at a field that has become it's own entertainment genre over time. And we love featuring all of you funny and talented writers.
Next week kicks off the finale, see you in seven!