Friday, June 07, 2013

Heidi Klum on "America's Got Talent"


Did you watch Heidi on AGT?  What did you think?

Heidi talks about her new role in a fresh interview here.

A highlight:

Q: In what kind of role do you see yourself as a judge? 

 A: I look at it as a woman, as a mom, someone who has seen a lot of shows. You know, I think about, "Hey, is this an act that is interesting? Is this something that I want to see again? Did that excite me? Would my children love to watch this?" 

 Q: Do you have any specific criteria you are looking for? 

 A: I love people that surprise me, that show me things I haven't seen before. Today we looked at this guy ... he's a sword swallower. He combined that with pole dancing. He was pole dancing with a sword down his throat and did that deadly drop that they do at the end sometimes, you know? With a sword in his mouth. ... We're jaded and we've seen so many things and you're looking for something that surprises you.

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