Welcome back recap fans for another round of Project Runway rips and raves. The recappers don't even know where to start with this week's craptacular designs. Let's check in and see how everyone is feeling:
Nick Verreos claims to have a hairy chest...
Eric3000 finds perfect parallels to The Monkees...
David Dust goes to Denny's for the Big Daddy Paddy Melt...
The Democracy Diva calls this an embarrassment to fashion...
Maxthegirl had to take anti-nausea meds...
Renee knows a little bit about menswear...
Elisa is not sad to see Olivier go...
Laura Bennett and Peach Carr let it rip...
Mychael Knight loved Tim Gunn's look...
Second City Style loved this challenge...
Brian with the fringe on top...
Karen wanted Anya on the runway at the end...
The Blogging Life met Kathleen last week...
And Toyouke wraps it all up.
ETA: Robert likes the educational component, and suzq delivers too! And I could have swore I had Jordan Baker's up there. Let's fix that now.
Thank you recappers! Next week we re-vist the '70's. Wait, didn't we just do that this week? See you in seven.