BPR once again thanks Laura the Lawyer for transcribing this bonus video!
Episode 8 Bonus - Q&A in Paris – The designers get grilled in Paris by designer Catherine Malandrino
[In the Parsons Paris workroom]
MALANDRINO: Do you feel it's very important to travel with a bag that match the outfit?
ANGELA: Yes, I do. Absolutely.
MALANDRINO: Kayne, how did you find this belt? And why do you want everybody to know your name?
Click here to continue.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
From The Mailbox

This is a photo of the young actress Miley Cyrus from Disney's "Hannah Montana." She is wearing a blazer by Cosa Nostra in Teen Magazine. Thanks Anonymous.
Next, from Marie - this link to an article about Chloe Dao.
Here is the Entertainment Weekly interview with Angela.
ETA: I have a couple of new e-mails: First, Daniel Vosovic's model, Rebecca has been spotted on the MTV VMA Awards Show. Also Jeffrey Sebelia has been spotted on Access Hollywood. Anyone else see these? I can't completely confidently confirm...
Early Recaps: "High Flying Fashion"
Transcript of Angela's Exit Interview
Once again BPR thanks "MT" for the excellent transcription service!
Angela’s Exit Interview, Part I
Before I left the workroom I actually went around to everybody and said goodbye to them and I gave Michael, Kayne, and Laura a hug. Because I knew I was going home. And I just said good luck with everything and I just wished them really well and they were like Oh you just never know how these things are going to go. But I knew, I had a feeling. So, it was, it’s just sort of this way on Project Runway, people come, people are in your life, and then they’re gone. It’s kind of sad but it’s, it’s not, you know, you just move on pretty quickly. And you just get back to work.
Click here to continue.
Angela’s Exit Interview, Part I
Before I left the workroom I actually went around to everybody and said goodbye to them and I gave Michael, Kayne, and Laura a hug. Because I knew I was going home. And I just said good luck with everything and I just wished them really well and they were like Oh you just never know how these things are going to go. But I knew, I had a feeling. So, it was, it’s just sort of this way on Project Runway, people come, people are in your life, and then they’re gone. It’s kind of sad but it’s, it’s not, you know, you just move on pretty quickly. And you just get back to work.
Click here to continue.
BPR Interview With Robert's Sister, Teresa

Dear Laura,
Apologies for the delay in responding but I have been away and just checked my email today. I'm happy to answer your questions and grateful for the brilliant blog which keeps me posted on PR all the time (unfortunately, we can't see the show here in the UK.)
The producers rang me a week before filming but nothing was confirmed until the night before my flight. I traveled alone. I lived in New York for 11 years so it is a familiar city. I spent my free time visiting with friends who had no idea why I was in town on such short notice.
Click here to continue.
Congratulations Jeffrey!

Let's find positive things to say about Jeffrey's design and/or Jeffrey. If you have negative comments, please post them here.
Let's Send Some BPR Love to Angela!
Angela, you created some beautiful garments that were true to your own aesthetic and you taught us the word 'fleurchon.' You won the Macy's Challenge and you reinvented Audrey Hepburn in the 'Iconic Statement' challenge. You were the go-to girl for the reaction shot; your look of happiness when the Macy's window was unveiled was one of the most memorable moments of Season 3. You will not be forgotten!
Let's give Angela only positive words from her fans at BPR. Negative thoughts belong here.
Don't forget to watch The Today Show this morning for Angela's interview! ETA: Click here for her interview on The Today Show.
Let's give Angela only positive words from her fans at BPR. Negative thoughts belong here.
Don't forget to watch The Today Show this morning for Angela's interview! ETA: Click here for her interview on The Today Show.

Your Turn To Be The Judge VIII

This week you get to be Nina Garcia, Heidi Klum, Michael Kors, Francisco Costa and Catherine Malandrino. We have two polls for you. Click here to tell us who should have won. Click here to tell us who should have been out. Each day you can vote in each poll until it is closed.
Please note that our polls are hosted by a service called Pollhost which is free and fun, but has some pop-up advertising.
Fan Favorite

Click here to vote.
Several of you caught this on the Bravo site last night. Alison's photo in every single spot of the fan favorite ballot. Hmmmmm....
Thanks for the screencap, Pam!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Reactions To Episode 8
We welcome your reactions to Episode 8, but please play fair! If you haven't done so already, please review our comment guidelines.
Now, let her rip!
Now, let her rip!
Episode 8 Party!
In honor of all the fleurchon sightings at Sunday's Emmy Awards show, we hereby christen our party room The Jubilee Jumbles! Everyone is welcome to add their own signature touches, but please, first review and abide by our commenting guidelines. We want everyone to have a fun and safe time in the Jumbles party room!
BPR Live Play-By-Play: Episode 8
Join Tbone once again this week as he provides live play-by-play coverage of Episode 8 as it is braodcast live from the East coast. Remember, comments in this post are for Tbone's exclusive use only. Everyone else, report to the Jubilee Jumbles party room above!
A Message From Michael!
Be still your hearts, BeePeR's. We have been looking for months for any sort of web presence that Michael Knight may have. We finally found him! With permission from The Captain himself, we are delighted to share with you his MySpace site!
And he also sends along a message:
Hey! Thanks so much for the support! BPR HAS been really great to me...u guys make me feel like I'm special or something! LOL! My mom loves you as well. SHE updates me about my postings! Its definitely cool to post my myspace page. I love to hear & respond to the fans. Thanks again for the love & KEEP IN TOUCH!
We know you've been waiting....go ahead and send him some love!
And he also sends along a message:

We know you've been waiting....go ahead and send him some love!
You Like Us. You Really Do!

Today BPR is the noted blog by Blogger. We like to pretend that this is the Nina Garcia equivalent of "adorable," the Michael Kors equivalent of "chic," the Tim Gunn equivalent of "stunning" or the Heidi Klum equivalent of "and it looks expensive." Maybe it just means that it was our turn.
Wait ... did we get immunity?
Missing Malan? Well, he is certainly busy! He is preparing full time for his show on the 11th! Here is a link to his blog and a photo of beautiful Amanda Fields wearing one of his designs at an MTV event. Congratulations Malan! Thank you Ada.
Bid on Alison Kelly garments on Ebay. Thanks Justin.
Click here for Heidi and Tim 'showing auf' at the Entertainment Weekly event. Have you bought your EW? Thanks Liz.
There was an Emmy Fugging that mentioned Jeffrey. Oh my. Thanks merseydotes and Alexandra.
Jeffrey was at Sunset Junction this weekend. Lorelei sends us this picture.
Bid on Alison Kelly garments on Ebay. Thanks Justin.
Click here for Heidi and Tim 'showing auf' at the Entertainment Weekly event. Have you bought your EW? Thanks Liz.
There was an Emmy Fugging that mentioned Jeffrey. Oh my. Thanks merseydotes and Alexandra.
Jeffrey was at Sunset Junction this weekend. Lorelei sends us this picture.

Results 'In' - You Were the Judge VII
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Interview With Michael's Mom!

We know how much you have enjoyed our previous mom interviews from the 'Everyday Woman ' episode. This time BPR is pleased to present Pam Knight, Michael's mother. She took the time to indulge our curiousity about her gifted son who has managed to charm every judge and win two back-to-back challenges along the way with his skill and creativity.
When did you find out you would be going to New York?
I received a phone call about four days before I was due to leave asking me if I would be willing to come to New York and of course I said I would do anything for Michael.
How much time did you have to prepare?
I got a call on Friday to confirm everything and left on Saturday morning.
Did anyone come with you?
No, I came alone. I wanted my husband to come with me but he encouraged me to go alone and have a good time and that I did. (Smile)
Where did you stay?
I stayed at the Hudson.
Click here to read more.
Video - Brief LKL Clip - Questions Answered

Click here for video of Heidi, Tim and Nina answering questions in a segment that was not broadcast last Friday. Thanks Sophie.
Okay, who asked the 'Do you read any blogs' question? And, Nina, would it have hurt you to just admit that you read BPR? And I say that in a way that is not meant to be mean-spirited. We love our 'NINAGARCIA,' as Justin Couture would say.
Hi Tim!
ETA: Since we here on BPR always strive to serve the fans - we have added a transcript of the Q&A here! Thanks, Laura the Lawyer!
Monday, August 28, 2006
Fun With BPR!

First, from Celia, this link to NPR's "A Project Runway Solution For Our Nation." Tim Gunn For President!
Next a new Project Runway blog! Project Yawnur! Welcome Phaolo!
Vincent made the Emmy dress for Dana Del George who accompanied nominee H.A. Arnarson who was one of the nominees for editing on "Survivor."
Click here for the video.
Katy has her Waste Not post up!
Here is another great recap that I had never seen before. Thanks, Sophie.
Episode 8 Speculation

Let's see what we've got so far. First, there is the brief preview at the end of Episode 7 where Heidi is once again holding the magic bag and announces: "for your next challenge you will be designing an outfit for a jet-setter". Who will the jet-setter be? What's the bag for? Model selection? It doesn't look like they are working in teams in the workroom....hmmmm....
And it certainly looks like the long anticipated "change in venue" is imminent, courtesy of Delta Airlines. And isn't it convenient that Parsons just happens to have a campus in Paris? Or could the designers be heading somewhere else?
It also appears, according to other previews that Tim will be the one delivering the 'auf' this week. Does it happen on the runway ... does it happen before ... does it happen that way at all?
There is the new Bravo preview promising more ugliness from Jeffrey. Haven't we had our fill of that already this season?
Finally, there is more speculation regarding the two different versions of Episode 7. One version was originally shown on Wednesday night (and can be downloaded via iTunes). The other version shows Heidi giving a longer speech regarding immunity and how wins now could affect the outcome in the future (right before she introduces the judges). There are other subtle differences in the episode but Heidi's announcement seems to have the most gravitas.
Devoted Beeper, Loribeth sends us this report of the edited version:
It comes about 35 minutes in. It is right before the runway show, when the designers are seated. Heidi is standing and she says to them (and this IS verbatim):
"Always important to do your best work because there will be other benefits to winning challenges that will be revealed later."
Hmmmm... What could this mean?
Just a friendly reminder: This post is for Episode Eight speculation and for "'Do your best' statement edit" speculation - not for "final four" speculation and definitely NOT for spoilers. BPR aims to remain spoiler-free. Please respect this. We will give you all the chance to choose your "Top Four" later this week. Thanks everyone!
Here is the yahoo preview. It shows model selection. Here is a Google preview. Thanks Jordan!
Heidi at the Emmys ...

Sunday, August 27, 2006
Sunday Reading.....
First, here is an article about Tim Gunn. Thanks Wendie!
This NYTimes article features a picture of the CEO of Federated Department Stores. Hmmmm... I see something familiar in the background. Thanks Joseph!
Click here for a video interview with Nina Garcia. Thanks Kelly. (Click on the blue hyperlink of Nina's name.)
Beauty Addict magazine features an interview with Nick Verreos! Thanks Tara.
Speaking of Uncle Nick, it looks like he will be the special guest at an event called La Mode in Seattle. Mark your calendars!
ETA: AND it looks like Daniel Franco will be at the same event on September 8th! Thanks Kim.
Here is a link to a video interview with Heidi and Tim on the set of the Entertainment Weekly photo shoot. Thanks Wendie, Susan and Jeremy!
This is from Iconique. Thanks, Ruins.
Were you a little disappointed in the Larry King interview?
This might confirm what you were thinking.... Thanks Anne.
Here is another mention of the Delta-Project Runway tie-in. Thanks Susan.
Simran sends us this mention of a Season Two designer making an appearance at a fashion event at Cherry Hill Mall on September 9th. Who could it be? It looks like the Cherry Hill Mall is in New Jersey - not far from Philadelphia. Hmmmmmm.....
Karl Lagerfeld disses our favorite show here. Ha, very funny Mr. Lagerfeld. We know that you are "in bed" with Tommy Hilfiger and appeared in his lame rip-off of Project Runway..."The Cut." SOUR GRAPES. So sad.... Thanks, Marsha.
Attention Alison Kelly fans: Here is some news about Alison teaming up with jewelry designer Rachel Leigh. Good luck girls!
This NYTimes article features a picture of the CEO of Federated Department Stores. Hmmmm... I see something familiar in the background. Thanks Joseph!
Click here for a video interview with Nina Garcia. Thanks Kelly. (Click on the blue hyperlink of Nina's name.)
Beauty Addict magazine features an interview with Nick Verreos! Thanks Tara.
Speaking of Uncle Nick, it looks like he will be the special guest at an event called La Mode in Seattle. Mark your calendars!
ETA: AND it looks like Daniel Franco will be at the same event on September 8th! Thanks Kim.
Here is a link to a video interview with Heidi and Tim on the set of the Entertainment Weekly photo shoot. Thanks Wendie, Susan and Jeremy!
This is from Iconique. Thanks, Ruins.
Were you a little disappointed in the Larry King interview?
This might confirm what you were thinking.... Thanks Anne.
Here is another mention of the Delta-Project Runway tie-in. Thanks Susan.
Simran sends us this mention of a Season Two designer making an appearance at a fashion event at Cherry Hill Mall on September 9th. Who could it be? It looks like the Cherry Hill Mall is in New Jersey - not far from Philadelphia. Hmmmmmm.....
Karl Lagerfeld disses our favorite show here. Ha, very funny Mr. Lagerfeld. We know that you are "in bed" with Tommy Hilfiger and appeared in his lame rip-off of Project Runway..."The Cut." SOUR GRAPES. So sad.... Thanks, Marsha.
Attention Alison Kelly fans: Here is some news about Alison teaming up with jewelry designer Rachel Leigh. Good luck girls!
Emmy Pre-Show/Emmy Awards Reminder

As you can see, the radiant Heidi and the dapper Tim have been enjoying the pre-Emmy festivities such as the one hosted by Entertainment Weekly last night.
Good luck, Project Runway! Good luck, Tim!
Hey Raymundo!

Many of you wrote to mention that you spotted Raymundo Baltazar on a episode of The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency. Of course we followed up with a note to Raymundo and he is indeed very busy! First here is his official bio:
Raymundo Baltazar-Flores, 26, was born in Morelos,Mexico.
He's a designer-stylist and the founder of "Young.Balls." - a line of leading edge youth-wear. He's been working in fashion, art and media since he was 16 years old. Baltazar has worked as a stylist at LA's Fashion Week, assistant designer for "S-Hoper Designs," retail at "BCBGMaxAzria," and buyer for a contemporary retail chain. Recently, Raymundo was the head-stylist for the new "Ed Hardy" launch fashion show "Runway," in Hollywood and "Ipop," in New York. Aside from finishing his second collection for "Young.Balls.," he's worked with "The Jim Henson Company" and "The Dan Clark Company" styling the actors for the preschool pilot "Laugh-Pad" for The Cartoon Network. He's even styled a gay theamed puppet comedy for the Dan Clark Company called, "Playing With Dolls". Raymundo is presently working at ABC-Disney in the wardrobe styling department.
Raymundo has apeared on the "Janice Dickinson Show" and of course, Bravo's hit series, "Project Runway".
Raymundo Baltazar, a graduate of L.A.'s design school FIDM, lives in Los Angeles with his three dogs and one cat.
Here are some of the latest looks from Raymundo's Young.Balls line:

Thanks for keeping in touch with BPR, Raymundo!
BPR Interview with Robert Best
Robert Best was already a well known designer before Season 3 of Project Runway began. Many pegged him as an early favorite to make the finals and we were surprised to see him leave so soon. We all know about his talent. He also shows us what a nice guy he is:
BPR: Hi Robert, you have many heartbroken fans on BPR. Where were you Wednesday night and who did you watch the show with? Were your friends and family surprised?
Robert: I watched at home with a good friend of mine. I think everyone was surprised except for me, since it happened quite a while ago.
BPR: How did your gorgeous sister Teresa react to seeing herself on the show?
Robert: She hasn't seen it yet. I told her that they all but edited her right off the show. Nobody wants to watch people with good manners... evidently.
BPR: You grew up in Utah, not necessarily known as a fashion hotbed. What got you interested in fashion design?
Robert: I was dropped on my head as an infant. Actually, my mom loved to watch classic films and I would watch them with her, and I think thats where it all began.
Click here to continue reading our interview with Robert as he touches on the importance of model selection and his friendship with Kayne.

Robert: I watched at home with a good friend of mine. I think everyone was surprised except for me, since it happened quite a while ago.
BPR: How did your gorgeous sister Teresa react to seeing herself on the show?
Robert: She hasn't seen it yet. I told her that they all but edited her right off the show. Nobody wants to watch people with good manners... evidently.

Robert: I was dropped on my head as an infant. Actually, my mom loved to watch classic films and I would watch them with her, and I think thats where it all began.
Click here to continue reading our interview with Robert as he touches on the importance of model selection and his friendship with Kayne.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Interview With Angela's Mom!

We continue our interview with the mom models from the 'Everyday Woman' challenge. This time we get to hear from Angela's mom, Darlene. We knew that there just had to be wonderful aspects to Darlene's Runway experience as well as things she would share about Angela that only a mother would know. BPR thanks Darlene as well as her son, Chris, who helped facilitate this interview to satisfy the curiosity of all of the fans from the show.
First of all, did Angela get her love of sewing from you?
I did sew for her as a child. Her older brother Joseph was just one year older and I would often take clothing that he had worn as a baby and add a bit of lace or an applique to make the clothing over for her. She was always so creative. When she was in a private school she could take her plain, navy trousers and make them memorable. She had such a knack for standing out. Oh and she went through her purple phase! But she really expanded her creativity later in college. That's when she really learned how to sew.
When did the producers contact you about going to New York?
It was Memorial Day but the producers didn't finalize the trip until that Friday, the day before I left for New York.
How long did you stay in the city?
I stayed in NY from Saturday through Wednesday. I had never flown before on a plane and I volunteered to arrive by train. They called me back and told me that I had to fly. I overcame any reluctance I had about flying in order to surprise Angela.
Click here to continue to read.
Uncle Nick's Inside Dish...
Scuba: The Schmoopiest Episode Ever...
Needs Inspiration is back from summer camp and she has never-seen-before screen caps!
Emily is a strong newcomer...
The Quiet One is anything but...
Nachos and Mommas at Jesse's place...
Jayne and Jeff: together again!
The Runway Review from the pros at Beauty Addict Magazine...
There's a baby naming poll at The Gaze...
Scuba: The Schmoopiest Episode Ever...
Needs Inspiration is back from summer camp and she has never-seen-before screen caps!
Emily is a strong newcomer...
The Quiet One is anything but...
Nachos and Mommas at Jesse's place...
Jayne and Jeff: together again!
The Runway Review from the pros at Beauty Addict Magazine...
There's a baby naming poll at The Gaze...
And still more: Elisa, The Lipstick Mystic, Toyouke at Reality TV Rules, Jen at the Snarkfest, Bad Girls Do It Better, Kayne Watching, Spikewriter, Chelsea,
Bettie Bloodshed's Transcript of Tim's Podcast for Episode Seven
Once again BPR thanks Bettie for her generous service!
I'm Tim Gunn and this is my podcast for Episode 7. So we are coming out of the waste management/recycle America challenge, the one in which Alison was out.
I am still despondent. That was a real shock and a surprise. Those of you who listened to my last podcast know who I think should have gone.
Michael won, he is the first designer to have won two challenges of any kind, let alone two challenges in a row, so that is very thrilling for him.
Click here to continue.
I'm Tim Gunn and this is my podcast for Episode 7. So we are coming out of the waste management/recycle America challenge, the one in which Alison was out.
I am still despondent. That was a real shock and a surprise. Those of you who listened to my last podcast know who I think should have gone.
Michael won, he is the first designer to have won two challenges of any kind, let alone two challenges in a row, so that is very thrilling for him.
Click here to continue.
BPR Exclusive: Katy's Take
Beginning this week, auf'd Project Runway contestant Katherine Gerdes will be giving us exclusive access to her insider's view of each week's episode. Katy brings us her unique insight not only from a designer's perspective, but as someone who knows the personalities involved. Welcome Katy!
Episode 7: Everyday Woman
Ahh… the “mom” challenge! I can’t decide if this is something I wish I had been around for or not… of course I would have liked to stay (and win!), but there are a few reasons that I don’t think I would have liked this one:
I am very protective of my parents. Now my mom and I can get in some pretty heated arguments and I might say some not so nice things (sorry mom!), but I’m her daughter! If anyone else says crap about my mom I’m ready to kick some butt and trust me, I may be small, but I’m feisty! I would have been very concerned for my mom because she isn’t model size and I’m sure she would have taken it to heart if some of the designers were talking badly about plus sized people. Now this is where it would have gotten interesting though, I would have gotten upset and worried for her, but no matter how badly she felt inside, if Jeffrey (or anyone else) talked crap to her, I fully believe she would have grabbed him by the you-know-what’s, given a good twist and said something to the extent of “who the h-e-double hockey sticks do you think you bleeping are you little bleeping-bleep, whiney-@ss bleep?” Ah yes… I think my feisty-ness came from her! Thanks mom!
Click here to continue reading "Katy's Take" on Episode 7...

Ahh… the “mom” challenge! I can’t decide if this is something I wish I had been around for or not… of course I would have liked to stay (and win!), but there are a few reasons that I don’t think I would have liked this one:
I am very protective of my parents. Now my mom and I can get in some pretty heated arguments and I might say some not so nice things (sorry mom!), but I’m her daughter! If anyone else says crap about my mom I’m ready to kick some butt and trust me, I may be small, but I’m feisty! I would have been very concerned for my mom because she isn’t model size and I’m sure she would have taken it to heart if some of the designers were talking badly about plus sized people. Now this is where it would have gotten interesting though, I would have gotten upset and worried for her, but no matter how badly she felt inside, if Jeffrey (or anyone else) talked crap to her, I fully believe she would have grabbed him by the you-know-what’s, given a good twist and said something to the extent of “who the h-e-double hockey sticks do you think you bleeping are you little bleeping-bleep, whiney-@ss bleep?” Ah yes… I think my feisty-ness came from her! Thanks mom!
Click here to continue reading "Katy's Take" on Episode 7...
Video - Brief Larry King Live Clip

You can watch a brief segment, 'How Project Runway Took Off,' that was part of last night's Larry King Live show. Click here to see the video. Thanks Precious, Lynn and Wendie.
ETA: Click here to read the transcript from the program.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Interview With Kayne's Mom!

We thought it would be fun to interview the moms and sisters who graciously served as models for the last challenge...and you know - on BPR we are all about the FUN!
Our first interview is with Kayne's mom, Judy. Personally, I LOVED Judy's outfit (Uli's design) and I know our readers did too. BPR thanks Judy for her kindness and generosity toward us crazy Project Runway fans!
When did the producers contact you about going to New York?
They called me 4 days before I left.
How long did you stay in the city?
I stayed in NY for 4 days. I arrived on Saturday and left on Wednesday.
What did they tell you about the purpose of the trip?
Click here to continue.
From The Mailbox

First, the big news: Project Runway has made the cover of the latest Entertainment Weekly, with a great shot of Tim and Heidi! Click here for the feature story, "Sew Addictive". Thanks to all who sent this in.
ETA: Click here to see a video of the photo shoot and a quick Q&A with Tim and Heidi!
Attention: Tim Gunn is on Access Hollywood TONIGHT! Check your local listings!
Speaking of EW, they have their weekly auf'd interview up featuring Robert Best.
Here's an interesting article from the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, checking in on some of our favorite PR designers. Thanks Marie.
Reader Janet wonders: are those fluerchons we see on the Proenza Schouler Spring 2006 collection?
Have you read Project Rungay's ode to Tim Gunn yet? Don't miss it!
Have Project Runway news to share? E-mail Team BPR to tell us all about it!
PR On Larry King Live Tonight!

Leading up to Sunday night's Emmy Awards show, many of our Project Runway favorites are scheduled to appear on CNN's Larry King Live show tonight from 9:00p.m. - 10:00 p.m. EST. Season 1 and 2 fans, hold your breath. Look who's scheduled to appear: Santino Rice, Chloe Dao, Jay McCarroll, Daniel Vosovic, Nina Garcia, Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn! Thanks to the dozens of you that sent this in.
Now we know the BeePeRs have plenty of questions for this group. We would love to hear yours make it on air! You can e-mail your question in or call in live during the show at the bottom of the hour.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Early Recaps
It's the Joan Kors Coffee Klatch at The Manolo!
Moi; tells it like it is...
Amber has flip-flopped on Vincent...
Moi; tells it like it is...
Amber has flip-flopped on Vincent...
Super sub Shawn says enough with the drama...
Tiffany gets better and better each week...
I think Cap Hill Barbie is talking to herself this week...
Mags has a near-death experience at the quivering of Tim's lip...
Tammy calls out Mr. Meany...
Miz Shoes says its Jeffrey over Santino in a TKO...
More coming Saturday in our weekly Recapalooza!
To The Producers
Here is your chance to tell the producers of Project Runway how you feel about Season Three so far. We have a suspicion that they may actually read it! So, how do you feel? What do you like or dislike about Season Three? What upsets you? What made you smile? How do you like the challenges? The designers? The judging?
Here is a chance to speak your mind!
Here is a chance to speak your mind!
Transcript of Robert's Exit Interview
Once again BPR thanks MT for her excellent transcription of Robert's Interview!
Robert’s Exit Interview, Part I
The most unexpected moment on the show was when my sister showed up. I had no ... I really ... that just blew me a way. I was speechless for probably the first time in 37 years. And I’m 37, so that’s quite a while.
Click here to continue.
Robert’s Exit Interview, Part I
The most unexpected moment on the show was when my sister showed up. I had no ... I really ... that just blew me a way. I was speechless for probably the first time in 37 years. And I’m 37, so that’s quite a while.
Click here to continue.
That's Three For Seven
Or perhaps 2.5. Our fabulous readers suggested many great challenges for season three. Here is a link to the original post. You'll recall that "rosebud" invented the dog challenge. Then scroll down to "Turn the Tables." This one suggests that the models choose the designers for a challenge. Well, two could have been a coincidence - but then read this challenge suggestion from Sharky:
Hi Mom!
I always thought it would be interesting to dismiss the models one week and bring out new models -- the designers' moms. Designers would have to make a nice outfit for their moms to wear out to dinner and, of course, design to their mothers' age.
7:28 AM, January 31, 2006
Hmmmmmm... It seems to me that someone at Bravo might be reading our humble little blog.....
Hi Mom!
I always thought it would be interesting to dismiss the models one week and bring out new models -- the designers' moms. Designers would have to make a nice outfit for their moms to wear out to dinner and, of course, design to their mothers' age.
7:28 AM, January 31, 2006
Hmmmmmm... It seems to me that someone at Bravo might be reading our humble little blog.....
Congratulations Vincent

Let's find positive things to say about Vincent's design and/or Vincent. If you have negative comments, please post them here.
Let's Send Some BPR Love to Robert
Your Turn To Be The Judge VII

This week you get to be Nina Garcia, Heidi Klum, Michael Kors and Joan Kors. We have two polls for you. Click here to tell us who should have won. Click here to tell us who should have been out. Each day you can vote in each poll until it is closed.
Please note that dissing the moms in any way is totally off limits. They are not professional models. They did not sign up to be reality show stars and they were without the knowledge that they be would asked to walk the runway. You can talk about not liking the outfits that they wore without being disrespectful. They all rocked it on the catwalk. They read this blog. Comments criticizing the mothers will be deleted.
Please note that our polls are hosted by a service called Pollhost which is free and fun, but has some pop-up advertising.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Hooray for the Moms and Sisters

Thanks to all of the moms and sisters who agreed to be a part of last night's episode! You were wonderful. We enjoyed getting to see you - and getting to know these designers just a little bit better. The childhood photos were wonderful! Thank you to the sponsors who generously provided the travel arrangements and accomodations for these family members and thank you designers for your genuine heartfelt responses to seeing them. That was the highlight of the night. The tears of joy.
How fun it must be for you to see yourselves featured in Rate The Runway! You all look fabulous. I am wondering if these outfits will get more bids at auction because more people can actually wear them! Omigosh - maybe I could even bid on something! ....checking..... Oh funny!... the measurements on these garments are the same as they have been on all of the auctions. Designed to fit someone 5'10" to 6'2" tall and size 0-2. Well - that leaves me out! Hopefully this info will be updated. Well, probably not since they still have Nazri's name spelled wrong on her bio but I digress...
Can anyone explain to me why the designers couldn't work with their own moms and sisters? That would have made a lot more sense - the model and designer would have been operating more as a team, and the audience could have enjoyed better results. There would have been more fun little conversations between people who love each other. Also, you can bet that the models would have really worked their garments and sworn that they were the best things they had ever worn. Isn't that what we want? Great results? Happy clients? Some fun? Seriously. Can anyone explain?
All of the moms and sisters were so great. Since the first season we have wished for a "real-sized" challenge. Thanks for making it happen. Joan Kors rocked too.
So let's send the moms and sisters some BPR love.
Reactions to Episode 7
Okay kids, first some ground rules: No kicking, no cussing, no spitting, no in-fighting. No blows below the belt. No pepper games. Keep it clean, keep it fair and try not to say anything you may regret tomorrow morning.
Got it? Good.
Now, let it all out...
... but please, don't criticize the moms/sisters.
Got it? Good.
Now, let it all out...
... but please, don't criticize the moms/sisters.
Episode 7 Party!
Really, every day is a party at BPR. Things just tend to intensify a little more on Wednesday nights. Everyone is welcome to join the fun, but please review our commenting guidelines first. Have fun everyone!
BPR Live Play-By-Play: Episode 7
Join Tbone again this week for live play-by-play coverage of Episode 7. Comments on this post are for Tbone's exclusive use. Read along for a detailed description of tonight's show as it is broadcast live. Have something to say? See the party post above!
Wishing for More Michael?
We aim to please! Click here for an AOL interview with Michael Knight. Thanks, Liz.
Poll Results "In" - Behind that scrim ...

You voted and told us who you thought could be behind the scrim. 40% of you thought it could be Martha Stewart. We'll find out the answer to the lastest scrim mystery in just a few short hours....
Don't forget to tune in tonight for our famous party post!
Results 'In' - You Were the Judge VI
Don't you just love Wednesdays? Here's the latest to help make your day go by faster:
We see London, we see France, we wish we had seen Vincent's underpants. (Some of you know what we are talking about) It appears as if the big trip is coming next week!
Looks like Angela continues to have the last laugh. Thanks Erin.
The Rocky Mountain News handicaps the remaining field. Thanks Wendie.
Relationship advice from Tim Gunn? Brilliant! Thanks Robin.
ETA: In the Jane magazine piece, Tim Gunn recommends a book called "A Dash of Daring," which is a biography of Carmel Snow - former editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazaar.
Coming up tonight on BPR: our weekly play-by-play coverage, the Episode 7 party room and the always passionate reaction thread!
We see London, we see France, we wish we had seen Vincent's underpants. (Some of you know what we are talking about) It appears as if the big trip is coming next week!
Looks like Angela continues to have the last laugh. Thanks Erin.
The Rocky Mountain News handicaps the remaining field. Thanks Wendie.
Relationship advice from Tim Gunn? Brilliant! Thanks Robin.
ETA: In the Jane magazine piece, Tim Gunn recommends a book called "A Dash of Daring," which is a biography of Carmel Snow - former editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazaar.
Coming up tonight on BPR: our weekly play-by-play coverage, the Episode 7 party room and the always passionate reaction thread!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
More from the Mailbox
I'm adding another Mailbox post because so many of you are mentioning Kathy Najimy on Andy's blog, and the great news that Tim Gunn will be serving as a Fashion Correspondent on NBC's "2006 Emmy Red Carpet Special." Here is the official press release - Thanks Maureen!
BURBANK, Calif. -- August 22, 2006 -- Tim Gunn, from Bravo's Emmy nominated hit series "Project Runway," will serve as a fashion correspondent on NBC's "2006 Emmy(r) Red Carpet Special," a one-hour event hosted by Billy Bush and Nancy O'Dell ("Access Hollywood"), airing live on Sunday, August 27 (7-8 p.m. ET) preceding the "58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards." Gunn will join Maria Menounos ("Access Hollywood") and together the pair will critique all of this year's Emmy red carpet styles and see what stars are able to "make it work."
Gunn mentors the hot designers on the popular Bravo series "Project Runway" and is also Chair of the Department of Fashion Design at Parsons The New School for Design. For the very first time, Gunn will bring his strong fashion background and savvy eye to the Emmy red carpet as he and Menounos scrutinize all the nominees, presenters and special guests on their styles as they arrive and look for "instant trends."
In addition to the fashion coverage with Gunn and Menounos, special segments will be sprinkled throughout the hour-long, live pre-show, including "Fashion Rewind," a look at past Emmy fashions from the "Access Hollywood" archives.
The "2006 Emmy(r) Red Carpet Special" will be executive produced by Paul Cockerill ("Golden Globes Arrivals") and David Hurwitz ("Fear Factor") from a Room 403 production and Rob Silverstein ("Access Hollywood"). The special will be directed by Bob Levy ("Fox NFL Sunday").
The "58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards," hosted by Conan O'Brien ("Late Night with Conan O'Brien"), will broadcast live from Los Angeles' historic Shrine Auditorium, Sunday, August 27 (8-11 ET) on NBC.
BURBANK, Calif. -- August 22, 2006 -- Tim Gunn, from Bravo's Emmy nominated hit series "Project Runway," will serve as a fashion correspondent on NBC's "2006 Emmy(r) Red Carpet Special," a one-hour event hosted by Billy Bush and Nancy O'Dell ("Access Hollywood"), airing live on Sunday, August 27 (7-8 p.m. ET) preceding the "58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards." Gunn will join Maria Menounos ("Access Hollywood") and together the pair will critique all of this year's Emmy red carpet styles and see what stars are able to "make it work."
Gunn mentors the hot designers on the popular Bravo series "Project Runway" and is also Chair of the Department of Fashion Design at Parsons The New School for Design. For the very first time, Gunn will bring his strong fashion background and savvy eye to the Emmy red carpet as he and Menounos scrutinize all the nominees, presenters and special guests on their styles as they arrive and look for "instant trends."
In addition to the fashion coverage with Gunn and Menounos, special segments will be sprinkled throughout the hour-long, live pre-show, including "Fashion Rewind," a look at past Emmy fashions from the "Access Hollywood" archives.
The "2006 Emmy(r) Red Carpet Special" will be executive produced by Paul Cockerill ("Golden Globes Arrivals") and David Hurwitz ("Fear Factor") from a Room 403 production and Rob Silverstein ("Access Hollywood"). The special will be directed by Bob Levy ("Fox NFL Sunday").
The "58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards," hosted by Conan O'Brien ("Late Night with Conan O'Brien"), will broadcast live from Los Angeles' historic Shrine Auditorium, Sunday, August 27 (8-11 ET) on NBC.
Reader Mail

Thanks, Jennifer for this photo of Michael's dress in the Macy's window! I wonder whose dress will be there next.....
Attention NYC! BPR reader Shelley is wondering if there are any clubs that host Project Runway viewing parties on Wednesday nights.

Doesn't Kate look great? Hmmmmm... kind of a familiar-looking dress.... Thanks, Sophie.
There's lots more reader mail! Click here to continue.
From The Mailbox

Who is this? Thanks, Valsauce!
Click here for a hilarious parody of PR :) Thanks Beth.
Here is the Youtube link.
BPR reader Jesse is blogging about the fabulous competition that Chris has going on at Project Designer.
Vote For Project Runway!
Project Runway is nominated for an Emmy in the "Outstanding Reality/Competition Program" category. Here is a poll on about.com. There is another on America Online. Click here to vote. Good luck to Project Runway! Thanks Ted!
A Note From Alison Kelly
Due to Alison's schedule, we were unable to conduct our usual "auf'd" interview this week. Alison was kind enough to give us an update on what we can expect to see from her soon:
I've been so busy designing two collections to launch this spring and apologize for neglecting your questions. I am not going to answer each question, just want to talk about my auf and what I am doing now.
I didnt watch the show Wednesday night because I was preparing for my fashion show on the Today Show amongst many other projects...also, don't need to relive it. I was so emotional Thursday, not because of the auffing, but because of the massive amounts of furiously passionate and supportive respsonses I received from my fans.
I am designing an exclusive collection for shopbop.com that we are launching during fashion week where I have collaborated with jewelry designer Rachel Leigh to make gorgeous necklaces and cuffs inspired by vintage charms and keyholes. I have designed a collection of beautiful dresses and jackets which will be available to everyone.
I also ran into Emmett McCarthy and I am going to launch a private collection for his store EMC2 in NoLita for his red carpet event during fashion week, where the one and only Tim Gunn will star.
I feel incredibly lucky to have participated on PR and feel this is an incomparable situation to anything that may have assisted in launching my name and line. Thanks to all for the amazing support and stay tuned as I have many surprises in store.
p.s. you cant believe everything you read in the media, just believe in yourself.
Let's give Alison something positive from the BPR readers. Click on our comment link only if you've got something good to say. Click here if you've got something negative to say.

I didnt watch the show Wednesday night because I was preparing for my fashion show on the Today Show amongst many other projects...also, don't need to relive it. I was so emotional Thursday, not because of the auffing, but because of the massive amounts of furiously passionate and supportive respsonses I received from my fans.
I am designing an exclusive collection for shopbop.com that we are launching during fashion week where I have collaborated with jewelry designer Rachel Leigh to make gorgeous necklaces and cuffs inspired by vintage charms and keyholes. I have designed a collection of beautiful dresses and jackets which will be available to everyone.
I also ran into Emmett McCarthy and I am going to launch a private collection for his store EMC2 in NoLita for his red carpet event during fashion week, where the one and only Tim Gunn will star.
I feel incredibly lucky to have participated on PR and feel this is an incomparable situation to anything that may have assisted in launching my name and line. Thanks to all for the amazing support and stay tuned as I have many surprises in store.
p.s. you cant believe everything you read in the media, just believe in yourself.
Let's give Alison something positive from the BPR readers. Click on our comment link only if you've got something good to say. Click here if you've got something negative to say.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Preview Video - Episode 7 - Scared?

Click here for the Yahoo preview for Episode 7. Hmmm... what kinds of clues do we have now about the challenge?
Click here to watch AOL's preview on YouTube; this week is the same as the one on the Bravo site. Thanks Jordan.
Here is an interesting article (from February) about Martha Stewart. Hmmmmm.... Thanks Meggie.
BPR Poll: Who's Behind The Scrim?

Okay - you've read all the theories, now it's time to lay it on the line! Who do you think will emerge from behind the Project Runway scrim? Click here to cast your vote!
We Interrupt Your Workday With...
... this announcement that the FourFour recap is ready. You might as well read it so that you can quickly get back to work.
We're still waiting for our next dose of preview videos. Stay tuned for an update.
Carry on.
We're still waiting for our next dose of preview videos. Stay tuned for an update.
Carry on.
Final Hours for BPR eBay Auction

Do You Sew? Are You In NYC?
Malan Breton needs you. He's preparing for his Fashion Week show and needs you. Click here only if you have the experience and the time to help our Malan.
From The Mailbox

First, here is an article from US Weekly. Thanks Lydia.

Katherine Gerdes keeps chugging along with her "Auf'd Runway" project. Can you guess which celebrity fashion icon her model chose for her?

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