We continue our interview with the mom models from the 'Everyday Woman' challenge. This time we get to hear from Angela's mom, Darlene. We knew that there just had to be wonderful aspects to Darlene's Runway experience as well as things she would share about Angela that only a mother would know. BPR thanks Darlene as well as her son, Chris, who helped facilitate this interview to satisfy the curiosity of all of the fans from the show.
First of all, did Angela get her love of sewing from you?
I did sew for her as a child. Her older brother Joseph was just one year older and I would often take clothing that he had worn as a baby and add a bit of lace or an applique to make the clothing over for her. She was always so creative. When she was in a private school she could take her plain, navy trousers and make them memorable. She had such a knack for standing out. Oh and she went through her purple phase! But she really expanded her creativity later in college. That's when she really learned how to sew.
When did the producers contact you about going to New York?
It was Memorial Day but the producers didn't finalize the trip until that Friday, the day before I left for New York.
How long did you stay in the city?
I stayed in NY from Saturday through Wednesday. I had never flown before on a plane and I volunteered to arrive by train. They called me back and told me that I had to fly. I overcame any reluctance I had about flying in order to surprise Angela.
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