Amanda Fields models a gown by Michael Costello
I had a fabulous time doing so many fun shows for Fashion Week El Paseo 2012 in Palm Springs! I was also very honored and happy to be the face of this year's Fashion Week - you can see me in the banner ad on www.fashionweekelpaseo.com on the top of the page wearing a royal blue gown by Olivier Tolentino during last year's shows. This image was also a billboard and the front of all the programs for fashion week!

Amanda's image was featured on the EPFW billboards and in the header on the website!
During the Project Runway Fashion Show I wore a total of 7 looks - I love and respect all of the Project Runway designers and was so happy and honored to wear a look in each collection! (2 in Mila's!)
It was a great chance for me to kind of show my chameleon abilities all in one night!
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