Kendra L. Saunders had the pleasure of chatting with Dmitry about his Lord & Taylor line, his fans, his plans for the future and koala bears, among other things.
Q: Is there something your fans could do at this point to help you?
A: Well, I think at this point, I’m so grateful to have fans. I’ve been getting all of this fanmail from all over the world…. It’s already a huge help, it gives me strength and inspires me. And I think it’s plenty enough. But if you want to be a really good fan, you can go buy my dress!
Q: Now you’ve spoken about being sort of on your own at this point in the fashion business and looking for investors. Can you tell us a little more about that?
A: Well, I think I want to start with- fashion is a serious business. And I’m in a stage of my life where I’m building it. I have all these amazing opportunities but those opportunities have to be taken to the next level. And at this point I’m looking for the right partnership that would let me be myself but at the same time, create a strong base for a successful business…. To put on a great show and make people happy, it’s one thing, but it has to be taken to the next level.
Q: Of course, we don’t expect to see you waltzing around in one of your dresses, but do you make clothes for yourself as well?
A: Of course I do. Whenever I’ve done collections before Project Runway, when I was working for different brands, I’ve done some clothing for myself as well. Whatever I’m wearing, if it’s not mine, it’s always altered for me... My goal is, after the women’s collection and I’m on a roll, I’m planning to start a men’s collection as well. For me, it’s always so hard to find things for myself, even for the fit issue. Plus I have a lot of male fans who are asking me all the time, when are you going to start a men’s line? It’s a very exciting opportunity.
Q: If you had to babysit someone’s pet koala or their pet dragon, which would you choose?
A: Probably koala. It sounds softer, and I’m kinda more on the softer side.
Click here to listen to the entire interview.