Everyone is up in arms at what was easily the most controversial judging decision of Season 4. Claims of various foreign susbstances being slipped into the judges water bottles abound over the internets. What was going on in the Parsons auditorium last June to provoke such outrage?
Tim was unrelenting: Frankly, the decision to toss Victorya this win eluded me. In my view, the electric blue textile said “superhero” not prom. Furthermore, the jewel emblazoned panel on the front of the halter made the dress look more appropriate for a hostess at a Vegas cocktail lounge than a teenager attending a suburban prom.
There was much talk from the judges about the level of sophistication and "appropriateness" of the designs for a teenage prom. When was the last time any of these four even considered the design of a prom dress? And memo to designers of all future Project Runway challenges: when in doubt, choose blue. Nina likes blue.
Regarding the auffing of Kevin, MK decides to play the hetero card: I think that sometimes straight men have a very hard time designing evening clothes. It's an odd thing. You would think the opposite. Straight men, when they do evening clothes, have a tendency to go one way or the other. She either becomes a matron, or a mommy, or she's a hooker twirling a handbag. Because I think that it's pushing him out of the boundaries of what he's really comfortable with.
Were the results last night even defensible?