AK: I actually haven't watched the show yet b/c I was in a hotel in nyc for the today show and they didn't have bravo! I am so deeply grateful for everything that happened on the show and everything that is coming out of it- my friends and family are sharing in all the excitement and thrill.

AK: I became interested in design sometime around college. i loved to paint and sketch, but I knew that in order to be fulfilled, I would need to apply my creative impulse in a practical, use-able way. I always loved playing dress-up, so I chose clothing.
BPR: What is your favorite item in your wardrobe and why?
AK: My Balenciaga black leather motorcycle jacket from the fall 2005 collection. I cried every time I looked at it for the first week. It is the most amazing jacket ever made.
Click here to continue reading our interview with Angela as she talks about Tom Jones, her signature fleurchons and who she thinks will win it all!