Thursday, January 31, 2008

Katy's Take

I was really intrigued when I heard about this challenge, because I had just recently finished up working on a project for DIFFA Dallas. Each year DIFFA Dallas has a big fundraiser/charity event where they ask designers and artists to work with a denim jacket and transform it to whatever they want. The only requirement is that there is some portion of the original jacket in the final piece, other than that, it’s totally up to the designer what to do with it. Back in Dec, I posted this about what I was working on and this week’s PR challenge inspired me to post the finished dress (I had been meaning to post it, but had been falling behind on everything!).

Anyways, just thought it was funny that I had finished a denim “makeover” and then find out that Project Runway did the same thing!

Click here to continue reading Katy's Take as she reviews each design from Episode 10.

Jack Mackenroth on Best Week Ever

Jack Mackenroth dishes with the BWE Team here. Thanks Caroline, Claudia, Lisa and Michelle!

From The Mailbox

Kathy Griffin is wearing a Rami Kashou dress on the cover of The Advocate this month. Thanks Cecelia. Click here for another picture of Rami's beautiful frock on the runway.

The Midseasonreplacements recap "Jean Genie" is up!

NY Daily News has an update on Jay McCarroll and Camp Beverly Hills.

De Novo has posted a great new interview with Daniel Vosovic. Thanks Andrew.

The Austin-American Stateman offers a fabulous interview with Elisa Jiminez.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Video - The Malan Show Episode 2

Wednesday Mail

Here we are on a lovely Wednesday smack in the middle of a new season of Project Runway. So why are we so depressed? Oh, yeah. Nevermind.
No new episode this evening, but we do have some mail to share:
BPR reader Thereza sends along the above photo from Valentino's couture show at Milan Fashion Week. She asks: Team Fierce or Valentino?
Don't miss this great interview at Newsday with Jillian Lewis that shows her at her most humble, honest, likeable self.
Looks like SJP loved her Project Runway experience so much, she wants to get in on the action herself!
Here's an interview at Bluefly with Zulema Griffin who plans to debut her new collection.......on YouTube!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Case of the Troublesome Tote

Episode Two of Laura Bennett's comic strip "Case Clothed" has been posted at iVillage.

Robert Best's illustrations are fabulous of course.

Trivia: What is the name of Laura's pet turtle?

From The Mailbox

The mail is a little light today. Perhaps with no new episode this week and the fans still in stunned disbelief over the preview of the next one, we are in a holding pattern. Still I have a couple of items of interest.

Ever wonder what's on Andy Cohen's desk? No? Well, it is a slow news day. Click here if you're really bored. (Just kidding, Andy!)

OUTspoken features a cute Q&A with Jack Mackenroth.

Finally, here is a fabulous article about the magical elves who create our favorite show!

Announcing "The Fabbies!"

Our blogfather, The Manolo recently announced the creation of a new fashion blog award - The Fabbies! While perusing the nominees, I noted several friends of BPR. Second City Style is nominated in the "eZines and New Frontier Publishing" category. Counterfeit Chic is nominated in the "Indie and Niche" category. Please let me know if there are any others that I have overlooked. Meanwhile, please Check it out!

What Would Bluefly Do?

Let's take a look at the Bluefly interpretation of Ricky Lizalde's winning design. First, the styling is great, isn't it?
Those boots again!
The hair - yes, Amy Winehouse...but in a GOOD way.

This dress has a silhouette similar to the winning design, but in black jersey. It is $74.99, by Nicole Miller.

Now let's find something denim....

Click here to continue.

Monday, January 28, 2008

More From The Mailbox

Don't miss Nick Verreos dishing SAG fashion with Lisa Rinna tonight on the TVGuide network. More info here.

Also, check out Nick's recap of last week's episode.

We have an extra week to bid on the garments from the denim challenge.

Only one more day to bid on the tickets to Malan Breton's Show.

Also, you can still vote in the BPR Fan Favorite poll.

Preview of Episode 10

Ask The Fashion Professor

Hi Prof. Cady,
Thank you for taking on the some of the tough questions. Here's another one: Do you think there is a bias against Asian models in the reality tv fashion world? Why the absence?
Ellen K.

Hi Ellen,
As someone whose job it is to keep track of runway trends I've always wondered about about the lack of Asian models - there do seem to be very few - so it clearly isn't exclusively a reality TV bias.

I called a friend who is a booker and occasional scout for a large agency in NYC - his experience is that while there are many lovely Asian women - it does seem to be rare to find the height and body type necessary to get the editorial and runway work.
I asked him if he felt there was a bias at work - he didn't think so. But he did say there had never been much demand.

I was in China last Spring - Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou - and was bowled over by the beauty of the women but again none were model height. I'd be curious what Amanda's thoughts are on the subject.

Thanks for the interesting question,

Thank you Professor!

Do you have a question for the Fashion Professor?
Write to Anthony Cady.

Amanda's Take - Episode Nine

So MUCH to say this week!
And I apologise, a tad delayed. I will get to the episode in a sec..

I am currently in New York, with elite and going on tons of castings for fashion week. INCLUDING many many shows in BRYANT PARK! :)

I went on a casting for BETSEY JOHNSON, and I don't know how that will go, but I just had to take a photo of the table they had set up for the models waiting to be seen. CANDY for us! They were encouraging us to have a little sugar. Just another reason to love Betsey.

I have also been to none other than Michael Kors... although he was not at the casting himself.

I've been running around town with PR2 model Danyelle Vilmenay - we are agency buddies. We have a lot of the same castings so it's fun to go on them together!

Back to Project Runway 4...

Click here to continue.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

From The Mailbox

Many of you have written in about the next episode. Bravo is pretty much giving everything away, but we are trying hard not to spoil it too much. If you somehow have avoided the on-air promos and online episode descriptions, cover your ears and eyes! If you want to know a little more, then go ahead and click here. For now, lets just say we are concerned.

Don't miss this incredible, bittersweet story from someone that Elisa Jimenez used to know very well.

Victorya Hong talks a bit about her upcoming fashion week show at Stylehive. You can also check out her exit interview with Buddy TV. Thanks Alex and Jennifer.

Season 1 designer Alexandra Vidal is showing her collection during fashion week at the Bryant Park Hotel on Tuesday, February 5.

Look who stopped by to visit After Elton's The Heidi Chronicles this week!

Here's a report on the Project Red Dress event in Seattle that Nick Verreos attended. More photos here.

Recapalooza, Part 2

The second edition contains some of your favorites:

Eric3000 stayed awake just long enough...
Ms.Place was snoozing right along...
The Quiet One took a break from her remodeling project...
Raechel seems to be the only Ricky fan around...
scahnaufblog visits the home of Levi Strauss...
We want to see Moi's 7th grade home ec project...
Miz Shoes still isn't feeling well, go send her some love...
Projectrunwaychat git sick just watching...

Thanks recappers, the Bravo gods have granted you a week off. See you in February!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Recap Of The Manolo

Look at Sweet P. She knows that when the Fairy Godfather Tim waves his wand, you must accept his gift, or face the consequences.

That hippy-dippy denim wedding dress she was making was awful; the Manolo could smell the patchouli through his television set. But, with the few choice words, the careful frown, and his signature chin-on-hand, elbow-in-other-hand, look-of-contemplative-disapproval, Tim conveys his doubts. Sweet P listens. Et voila! Sweet P prospers!

You know the drill, here's the whole thing.

Video - Episode 9

For our readers that are unable to view our favorite network, the iconic parselforce gives us the video of Episode 9:

Click here for the rest of the episode.

BPR Interview With Kit Pistol

If someone simply showed you the photos of the designs from any episode of Season 4, you always knew which one Christina Scarbo produced. That's a big compliment considering the group of talented peers she squared off against each week. Seemingly always on the cusp of breaking through the winners circle, many people picked her to reach the finals. BPR catches up with Christina, aka Kit Pistol, to get her take on the experience:

BPR: Hi Kit! You were a joy to watch this season and developed a big fan base. Any message you would like to share with your supporters?

KP: THANK YOU!!! I am so grateful for all the support from everyone who has contacted me and came up to me on the street... the positivity is truly rewarding.

BPR: How did you ever come up with the name Kit Pistol?

KP: Well, I was working at a bar in Florence, Italy and always wore this gun necklace I got at Agent Provocateur, so I got the nickname 'Miss Pistol'. My friends and I all had weird nicknames for each other. I guess you could say we were bored. So one day we decided that Miss Pistol needed a first name to make it sound better and one of my roommates told me that Kit was a nickname for Christina. So Kit Pistol was formed and the deal was sealed. I showed my senior collection under the name Kit Pistol! It just stuck.

Click here to continue reading our interview with Kit as she fondly recalls her favorite childhood outfit and the people who have influenced her life and career.

Friday, January 25, 2008


The 'looza busts out a little early this week, giving some love to the quick recappers:
That picture up there? David Dust explains...
Tiffany with a Dirty Dancing Jillian riff? Love it!
I don't think Lorraine really does the dishes first...
The Stunway girls always deliver...
Jayne is all alone this week...
The Modern Gal channels Meg Ryan...
We simply love Bay and Amy...
The Minx has some photo-shopping fun....
Glowy Box goes on a rant...
Elisa is not down with the denim...
Meiran hates skinny jeans and bad puns...
Alison is coming around on Season 4...
Such thinks Sweet P was robbed...
Idol Thoughts is back for more...
Makeup Beat can't get away from Ricky...
Mags is a perennial BPR fave...
Toyuke is a recapping pro...

I'm sure there will be more coming in - stay tuned!

Episode Nine in 60 Seconds

MTV's Jim Cantiello is back with another 60-second recap!

Video - Project Catwalk, Season 3, Episode 3

Here is another episode of the U.K.'s answer to Project Runway brought to you by the completely posh MzCouger.

Click here for the rest of the episode.

From The Mailbox

The tents are going up at Bryant Park! Thanks for the photo, Michael.

Click here for a new interview with Malan Breton.

TwoP takes another look at some of the most memorable PR personalities. Is your favorite "In" or "Out?" Thanks Ken.

Seattle's Project Red Dress featuring Nick Verreos as a judge is sold out! Please let us know if you plan to attend.

Second City Style presents this week's most memorable quotes.

It's great to have Mo Ryan back!

Last, I can't resist adding this recap from my hometown paper.

BPR Podcast - Laura Bennett

Blogging Project Runway's Laura K interviews the fabulously glamorous Laura Bennett. Click here for our podcast.

The perennially fascinating and always chic Project Runway Season 3 finalist is busy with business and family. Look for her on QVC on February 24 and 25th and check her style advice on iVillage.

Photo by Aram Boghosian.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

BPR Interview With Kevin Christiana

1. Kevin - everyone is stunned by your elimination. Were you as surprised as we were?

I was very surprised when I got eliminated. I know I didn't make my best piece but it certainly wasn't the worst on that runway. A lot of other designers were able to squeak by on some bad pieces on a lot of the challenges. I was in the top most of the time before the prom challenge. I thought that would count for something but apparently I was the first example of "One day you're in and the next day you're out!"

Click here to continue.

How Will Bravo Make It Work?

We are scratching our collective heads here in the BPR workroom trying to figure out what exactly Bravo is up to with their end game for Season 4. First off, they have confirmed with us that there is no new episode next week, meaning the next elimination will not place until February 6. But assuming that episode is a single elimination, that leaves five designers remaining when they film the finale at Bryant Park on February 8.

Past seasons have always shown four collections at Fashion Week, twice with a decoy (S1 and S2) and once without (S3). (We hate the idea of a decoy collection, if they are going to show, let them count!) But the only way to get to a Final 4 will be by having a double elimination on February 6, or if they run back-to-back single-elimination episodes.

Unless there may be more than four designers showing on February 8. Hmmmmmm.......

Meanwhile, it appears as if the mystery has been solved regarding the February 1 "Project Runway Designer" off-site show at The Altman Building. The official MBFW schedule now shows that it's none other than Victorya Hong! But isn't she still under contract with Bravo? Who is sponsoring this and where is the press?

Something fishy is going on here....

Who Will Win the BPR Shirt? It's a Walk Off!

Wow! We had 17(!) readers get all nine points possible this week in the TRESemmé Fantasy Runway challenge . It's now time for a 'walk-off' between:
  • KHALI1920
  • DELILAH0719
  • 72PENGUIN77
Only those readers are eligible. The first one that answers ALL THREE of the following questions correctly IN THE COMMENTS will win the prize.
  1. Name the designer from Season 1 that led the most group challenges.
  2. Which designer from Season 2 had a diplomat father?
  3. Name two designers with visible neck tattoos in Season 3.
The winner will be asked to email his/her real name and mailing address to Team BPR and select a size/design of BPR t-shirt.

FYI: Jillian had the winning hair this week.

ETA: Congratulations, Brieannembillie, for being the first one with all three answers in the comments. Thank you so much for playing our trivia contest each week and for being part of our Fantasy Runway league. Continue to make your picks each week to try to win TRESemmé products directly from the company. It has been fun!

Ricky's Winning Design

Ricky Lizalde's Denim Dress is now available! It is $168.00 and available in sizes 2 - 16. Click here for more info.

Were you inspired by the challenge? Think you could invent something fabulous from a pair of 501s and/or a trucker jacket? Enter your design at Project 501 and your winning design could be produced and sold on

ETA: This garment is sold out!

Congratulations, Ricky

The tears for you this week were ones of happiness. Denim and lingerie seem polar opposites but you provided yourself equally adept at working in both milieus. The sun dress silhouette you created using curvy seams is feminine and the iconic button fly front placket would flatter a wide range of figures. The bodice showed your understanding of tailoring and the turned-down detail was suggestive but not vulgar. This dress is charming and one that many women would want in their wardrobes; how fortunate for them that your reward this week is that Levi's will sell a limited edition of this dress and that proceeds will benefit YouthAIDS. Good show, Ricky!

This post is ONLY for positive words for Ricky Lizalde or for the dress he designed. Any other thoughts belong in our Reactions post here.

BPR Love For Victorya Hong

In the end, you exited with grace. You made your mark on Project Runway with wins in both the SJP and prom challenges as you displayed a flair for sleek sophistication in your design work. For you, the challenges were serious business and you met the demands of those who were pleading for 'more design, less drama' from the cast.

We will miss you calm confidence and intelligent approach to fashion. We have no doubt that you will realize the "long and fulfilling career" you strive for and we can't wait to see what you come up with next. Much love to you today Victorya!

Note: Only positive comments on this post, please! Any other thoughts belong in our Reactions post here.

Poll - Episode 9 - Your Turn to be the Judge

Photos: (l-r) Christian, Chris, Ricky, Rami, Victorya, Sweet P and Jillian
Photos courtesy of Bravo. Click to see a larger view.

You've seen the designs on the runway and now it's your turn to be the judges. This week you are Heidi Klum, Nina Garcia, Michael Kors and Caroline Calvin.

Click here to tell us who you thought should have won the challenge.

Click here to tell us who you thought should have been auf'd.

Don't forget to vote in our Fan Favorite Poll here. And while you're at it, select your Fan Favorite to award a designer $10,000 and possibly win a Bluefly shopping spree for yourself.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reactions To Episode 9

Project Runway delivers a shocker, what did you think? Post your reactions to Episode 9 here.

Video - The Malan Show

Episode 9 Party!

Welcome friends to the Grand Opening of the BPR Blue Jean Bar! Grab your favorite denim be it jeans, jacket, skirt, overalls, dress, shorts, bags or Daisy Dukes and come on in! We may be a bit casual this evening, but that will not temper the snark.

All are invited in the BPR party room to provide running commentary as we watch episode 9 together. No holds barred, it's Project Runway party time!

BPR Live Play-By-Play: Episode 9

Tonight's new episode of Project Runway begs the question: do bloggers ever get the blues? Not on Wednesday nights we don't!

Tbone is firmly ensconced in the BPR play-by-play booth, wearing a pair of Levi's of course, ready to bring you all the drama from Parsons in "Even Designer's Get The Blues". This post is especially useful for everyone without access to Bravo tonight. Follow along to find out who is in and who is auf!

Have something to say? Report to the party room above!

More From The Mailbox

Jen on the left and Julia on the right

JuliaS won our very first Fantasy Runway giveaway - The Tim Gunn book complete with "Timdoodle." She gave the book to her sister Jen who is an even bigger Tim fan! Here is a photo of Julia (on the right) and Jen. Thanks for sending the photo. We'd love to see photos from our other winners as well.

It's always fun to check out the auctions of the previous week's garments. Before you click, try to guess which garment has the highest bid.

Last, we have a note from Malan Breton:

Darlings, I am so excited I just wanted to forward this to you.
ps please follow this link for more about my new show on Bravo.

We'll check back after tonight's episode to watch. Congratulations, Malan!

Play Fantasy Runway!

Don't forget to register your picks for Fantasy Runway! This weeks prize is your choice of any t-shirt from the official BPR Spreadshirt store. (Sorry, Jack not included...) Here's what to do:
First, you must be a member of the BPR League. The prize goes to the person with the most points for this week only - so anyone in our league has a chance to win! Then stay tuned to BPR tomorrow for the results. In case of a tie, The Scarlett will post her trivia walk-off challenge and the first one to answer correctly will be the winner.
Also, if you have never played before, this is your last chance to qualify for the TRESemmé Grand Prize - a trip for two to NYC to attend the official TRESemmé finale viewing party. Deadline is 9:59 p.m. EST tonight. So what are you waiting for? Make your picks now and good luck!

From The Mailbox

Photo by John Taggart

Click here for a FABULOUS interview with Jay McCarroll. I would love to see his "Eleven Minutes" film.

Here is a new interview with Daniel Vosovic.

Attention Seattle: Nick Verreos will judge the best design contest at the Project Red Dress event on Friday night. Please let us know if you can attend.


Feeling a little blue here in the dead of winter? Well, there is nothing like a new episode of Project Runway to cheer you up! As the designers peek behind the mystery Port Authority garage door of destiny, BPR will be on hand for all the drama and fun. With 7 designers remaining and only 4 (0r 3?) (or 2?) spots available to show at Bryant Park, the tension mounts in the Parsons workroom.

Tbone will have live play-by-coverage of Episode 9, "Even Designers Get The Blues" tonight along with the party room at 9:00 p.m. and the usual after show reaction post. Don't forget to get your picks in for the TRESemmé Fantasy Runway game as well. Our friend Alan Gratz has his weekly episode analysis and predictions to help you along. TGIW!

Results In - You Were the Judge Episode 8

Our polls for Episode 8 are closed. You agreed with the judges that Christian deserved the win. Click here to see the results. You felt that Ricky Lizalde should have been 'auf.' Click here to see the results.

Check back with us tomorrow for our Episode 9 poll.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bid on Tickets to Malan Breton's Show!

Would you like two tickets to Malan Breton's Bryant Park Show February 6th at 9:00 AM? Place your bid here. The proceeds benefit Broadway Cares. Good luck BPRs!

Ask The Fashion Professor

Dear Professor,

I am a male, I am 6'7" and over 300 lbs. (I think.) I have a hard time finding clothes that fit me (for cheap at least.) Would it be cheaper to just make the clothes myself? I have no clothes making experience (my mom does). If it were to be cheaper, any tips to give me on making menswear?

Trevor in Springfield, Illinois

Dear Trevor,

Big Guy!

A few possibilities here - if your Mom has the skills - have her do some things for you - however it can be very time consuming - if she has the time - great - but you probably won't be saving money considering labor.

Another possibility - hit the Big and Tall shops - the quality and style is usually good - rich, stylish basketball players have to shop somewhere! You say you're on a budget so hit them when they're having their sales. Get the basics.

For more interesting things hit eBay - larger sizes always go cheap - stores and labels make but rarely sell big guy clothes - they end up on eBay - jackets, coats, shoes - be clever about your search - lots of interesting stuff out there for you.

Good Luck,


Have a question for the professor? Write to Ask The Fashion Professor. Thanks Anthony!

Who is Your Season 4 Fan Favorite?

Bravo is asking you to pick your favorite designer for Season 4. The designer with the most votes will receive $10,000 but you also have a chance to win prizes. Bluefly is awarding a $10,000 shopping spree as well as weekly prizes. Click here to make your picks.

During Season 3, BPR readers voted on their fan favorite and selected Michael Knight as the winner He later went on to win the prize during the reunion special. Of course we know that our readers are very perceptive (they also predicted Jeffrey Sebelia as the winner of Season 3) and so it's time for our own poll to pick the Season 4 Fan Favorite. Vote below (and it's also fun to know why you voted this way):

Don't forget to vote in our weekly 'win' and 'auf' polls. Click here.

Monday, January 21, 2008

From The Mailbox

Jack Mackenroth, Christian Siriano and Kevin Christiana look like they are having fun at Bowie Ball.

Here is a blog entry from the lucky winner of a trip to NYC from Bravo.

Here is an interview with Model Lea Rannells. Thanks Ava.

Entertainment Weekly interviews Kit. Thanks Michelle.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Jay McCarroll - Episode 8

Jay's recap is finally up!

here’s a song i wrote for y'all...its lots of fun to sing.


product product product product


product product product product

(repeat chorus 7 million times until your brain bleeds)

Katy's Take - Episode 8

I loved this challenge and definitely think it was the best of the season so far (conceptually and the designs). I’m really excited that the producers created a challenge that specifically asked for something avant-garde and “high fashion.” It’s pretty easy (in Project Runway and real life) for a designer to stick with nice, wearable garments since that’s what usually sells and it’s much easier to complete a simpler garment in the PR time constraints, so it’s not as much a risk to finish.

My main complaint with this challenge… I think it was totally unfair to the models to be selected on their hairstyles. I like the concept of being inspired by a hairstyle, but let’s be honest, most of those styles were awesome, but a few of them looked like the models woke up late and did it themselves. As some of my hairstylist friends said, “It looks like it was 10 minutes to show time and they realized they still had 3 girls to finish…” Knowing how they film the episodes, I think this is probably what happened (they film the model selection part immediately after the last designer has been “auf’d”). So in this case, I’m guessing Kevin was still in his exit interview while they were filming this segment.

Click here to continue reading Katy's Take as she reviews all of the designs from "En Garde!".

Preview Video - "Even Designers Get the Blues"

Embeded videos courtesy of Crew Creative.

Runway Remix below:

Click here for the Yahoo preview.

Speculation, anyone?

Recapalooza, Part 2

The Quiet One's eyes are hurting...
Miz Shoes at the top of her game...
The Minx had a lot of fun this week...
Old school recapper Raechel does some catching up...
Mags was spoiled by Bravo...
Toyouke thinks the models are getting shafted...
Glowy Box worries about Rami...
BuzzSugar loved it...
So did Meiran....
Allison - better late than never...
The Modern Gal found a new work outfit...
DCASOF tries their hand at live blogging...
Idol Thoughts may have to change their name...
Makeup Beat rounds it up with lots of pretty pictures.

Thank you recappers for all the fun! Things are strating to get interesting. Same time, same bat channel...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

From The Mailbox

More from Jeffrey Sebelia on IGotShotgun. Thanks Tom.

Click here for an interview with Christian Siriano.

After Elton has posted a great recap of "En Garde!" with lots of photos.

Click here for the latest episode of "The Heidi Chronicles."

Attention New York: You can meet Christian Siriano, Jack Mackenroth and Kevin Christiana at Don Hill's on Sunday night. Please send photos!

Project Bluefly

I believe this was my favorite episode of ALL seasons so far on Project Runway. I used to say it was the Postal Challenge from Season One, but I think this one has surpassed it.

"En Garde!" had all of the drama of the teams, the over-the-top exuberance of the design challenge, the last-minute twist of the second garment and finally, incredible runway results. ALL of the designs were great. Exactly what we fans like to see.

Of course I was heartbroken to see Kit leave.

Somehow, I don't believe that Team Fierce's avant-garde look will be easy to replicate but let's give it a try!

This pale taupe gown suggests the color and the shape of the inspiration garment, but no ruffles...

Let's find some ruffles or tiers or organza!
Click here to continue.

Secret Show Update

Invites are in the mail for the curious "Project Runway Fashion Designer" show on February 1 that we first talked about here. The mystery deepens:

Save The Date
Which Project Runway Designer
will debut during New York Fashion Week?
Mark your calendars now and find out who on January 24
Is this some sort of bonus for the winner of next week's challenge? Who could this be? Hmmmmmm........


Uncle Nick sees Alexander McQueen...
Eric3000 delivers one of his best...
Ms. Place finds the most amazing similarities...
Tiffany has a new watch...
Amy and Bay are both fabulous!
CaptnSavAHo is keeping score...
Schnaufblog has an extra long lesson this week...
CapHillBarbie misses Miss Kitkah...
Moi just loves team challenges...
Lorraine has an interesting theory about Ricky...
Project Stunway gives the nod to Team Monotone...
David Dust calls them "Team Robot Monotone"...
Elisa, now with Telecom high tech insider jokes!
Jeff, Jayne and no Marc at HorridFabulous...

Oh yes, there's more to come!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Video - Episode 8

Thanks to the avant-garde parselforce, Episode 8 can now be viewed by our readers who don't have access to our favorite network. Enjoy!

Click here for the rest of the episode.

Video - Project Catwalk, Season 3, Episode 2

Thanks to the always fab MzCouger Episode 2 of Project Catwalk can now be watched.

Click here for the rest of the episode.

Missed the first episode? Click here.

From The Mailbox

BPR friend David Gilmore has posted his latest batch of sketches at Pretty On The Outside. In addition to Tim, don't miss Chris March and Nina Garcia!

Here's EW's weekly auf interview with Kit Pistol where she calls herself the "ghost designer of Season 4". Thanks Frank!
Jeffrey Sebelia gives his thoughts on the Season 4 designers to Between The Lines: Everyone takes them self so seriously. I think people are very self-conscious. And they're afraid of being judged. And they're afraid of how they're gonna be viewed. And they're afraid of how they're gonna be portrayed. And then they just come out afraid, in my opinion.
The Toronto Star catches up with PR Canada designer Kendra Francis.

Amanda's Take - "En Garde"

I didn't write last week because there were no models. Again.

Aviva and Katie are gone. Exactly. (And the designers had to say that it was about the hair.. yeah RIGHT.) Also, I have a feeling the TRESemme hair team and the producers had a say in which models had what hairstyles! They know who is the best.

I thought this challenge was exciting. The designers really pulled out some fabulous clothes. Tim is right, avant garde designers do have to create looks that are more sellable. The gowns on the runway are great for editorials, red carpets and music videos, but not for the stylish women of the world to wear day to day.

So now we have all pretty good models... but at this point we don't want just pretty good. We want the best for the best designers. I had previously said my favorites, now it is time to narrow the favorites down to three. Lea, Marcia and Jacqueline.

Who needs to go next? Lauren. She just isn't as graceful as the other girls left.

Alberta Ferretti is an amazing, talented Italian designer. I was her showroom model in Milan!

Love you guys!

BPR Podcast - Chloe Dao

BPR's very own Tbone has a conversation with Season Two winner Chloe Dao in our latest podcast. Click here.

Chloe Dao is simply a class act. She is small in stature but huge in both heart and talent. And she loves her fans! In our second podcast installment, Tbone waxes nostalgic with Chloe over Season 2 and they talk about her life post-Runway. Fah-Reeaal!

Does she think Season 4 is the most talented cast ever? Would she dare appear on a potential "Project Runway All-Stars" show? Why can't she find her own blog at Tune in and find out.

Chloe Dao podcast links:
Photo of Chloe, Rachel Hunter and Tim Gunn

Chloe's Re-Think Design Blog

Watch Chloe's favorite movie with her at the MFAH

Lot 8 Boutique

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Project Runway in 60 Seconds - Episode Eight

MTV's Jim Cantiello is back with his 60-second look at "En Garde."

The Recap of the Manolo!

The Manolo says about the "En Garde":

This was perhaps the smartest challenge yet presented to the designers, as it allowed them the most freedom to explore their art. And because this sort of detailed and extravagant work takes so much time, the Manolo did not resent the natural decision to divide the designers up into teams, even though such team challenges are patently unfair to whomever is chosen to be the leader. Of course, the designers clearly know it is unfair. Witness the cowardly, passive-aggressive behavior of Victorya and Jillian as they tried to avoid the burdens of leadership.

As always, read the whole thing.

From The Mailbox

E! Online is PO'd about Kit's auf.

Steve Rosengard is giving back in Chicago.

This is worth another look! Thanks Jill.

The OC Register has devised a point system for Project Runway. Guess who is in first place....

Second City Style continues its weekly roundup of memorable quotes.

Mo Ryan is back!

Entertainment Weekly wraps up last night's episode.

Who Will Win the Bobblehead? It's a Walk Off!

None of our readers got every answer correct in the TRESemmé Fantasy Runway challege. Five of our readers got 7 points. It's now time for a 'walk-off' between:
Only those 5 readers are eligible. The first one that answers ALL THREE of the following questions correctly IN THE COMMENTS will win the prize.
  1. Name the two designers (one from Season 2, one from Season 3) that have a background in architecture.
  2. Name all of the icons that the designers needed to update in Season 3.
  3. Which designer used a lawn chair to create a garment in Season One?
The winner will be asked to email his/her real name and mailing address to Team BPR. This Tim Gunn Talking Bobblehead was generously donated by BPR friend Emmett McCarthy.

FYI: Kit had the winning hair this week.

ETA: NVTAUB is this week's winner. Thank you all for playing Fantasy Runway.

Congratulations, Christian

Team Star has disbanded and 'Ferosh' has emerged like a butterfly from its chrysalis. You got your confidence back this week as you spread your wings to give avant-garde couture a new definition. One would think that a dress composed of 45 yards of organza would translate to a meringue but your gown was a visual confection that managed to be edgy, compelling and chic. That frock was a masterpiece and Nina's expression clearly communicated that she was thrilled you took such risks. Then for your ready-to-wear interpretation you showed the ability to deftly edit and distill the details. Team Fierce was a collaborative tour de force and you literally elevated fashion to new heights. McQueen and Westwood would be proud of their fierce apprentice. Bravo, Christian!

This post is only for positive words about Christian Siriano or his work. If you have reactions about any other designers, please leave them in the Reactions post here.

BPR Love for Kit Pistol

No regrets, Ms. Scarbo. It's obvious that you managed to compete in a talented field of designers and still gather those two suitcases full of friends. You never participated in drama when confronted with a team challenge but instead stayed focused and on task even when leading others with differing aesthetics from your own. You seemed to respect your competitors and those feelings were clearly reciprocated. Your designs, such as your Kit Kat dress, were youthful, infused with sly wit and your runway presentations were always expertly styled. You had a knack of expressing a clear point-of-view without being predictable. You have left us wanting more of you and your clever designs. We will now be on the lookout for your garments because, thanks to this show, we have been introduced to your work but we are even more grateful that we got to know you and to watch you create.

This post is only for positive words about Kit Pistol or her work. If you have reactions about any other designers, please leave them in the Reactions post here.

Poll - Episode 8 - Your Turn to be the Judge

Photos: 1. Rami/SweetP, 2. Victorya/Jillian, 3. Christian/Chris and 4. Kit/Ricky
Photos courtesy of Bravo. Click to see a larger view.

You've seen the designs on the runway and now it's your turn to be the judges. This week you are Heidi Klum, Nina Garcia, Michael Kors and Alberta Ferretti.

Click here to tell us who you thought should have won the challenge.

Click here to tell us who you thought should have been auf'd.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Reactions To Episode 8

We never seem to be satisfied with the results of a team challenge. Is this one any different? Post your reactions to Episode 8 here.

Episode 8 Party!

Welcome friends and guests to the Blogging Project Runway Salon and Spa. All who join us this evening will be treated to a virtual coif, free of charge! Our resident stylists are on hand to pamper and cater to your every humorous need. We simply ask that you provide the occasional barb and jab in return as we watch the silliness of Project Runway together.

It's a Wednesday night tradition. The party room is open!

BPR Live Play-By-Play: Episode 8

Tbone is back again for the weekly BPR play-by-play of Episode 8. In the comments under this post, he'll provide a description of the challenge, drama, who is in and who is auf.

No Bravo? No problem!

A reminder that comments under this post are for you to read and Tbone to post. If you have something to say, see the party room above!

Play Fantasy Runway!

No, we didn't forget - it's time once again to play Fantasy Runway! We reached deep into the prize bag and found another autographed Tim Gunn talking bobblehead for this week's winner. Here's the deal:

In order to win the bobblehead, you must be a member of the
BPR League. The prize goes to the person with the most points for this week only - so if you haven't played before, please join us, you can still win! Then stay tuned to BPR tomorrow for the results. In case of a tie, The Scarlett will post her trivia walk-off challenge and the first one to answer correctly will be the winner.

Deadline is 9:59 p.m. EST tonight. So what are you waiting for? Make your picks now and good luck!


Photo courtesy of Crew Creative

Uh-oh, another dreaded team challenge. The bane of all fair-minded Project Runway fans. Controversy is almost a given in these scenarios, especially regarding the auf. If only TPTB would listen to our recommendations! Will we lose a favorite (or two) tonight? You can check in on the speculation thread to see what the BPR's are thinking.
Team BPR will be ready for action tonight with Tbone's live play-by-play, the party post and reactions thread. Please stop by and join the fun!
And a reminder to get your Fantasy Runway picks in! Our resident handicaper Alan Gratz provides excellent, detailed analysis of tonight's episode to help you out. Happy Wednesday!

Results In - You Were the Judge Episode 7

Our polls for Episode 7 are closed and you disagreed with the judges on both counts. You felt that Sweet P deserved the win. Click here to see the results. You thought that Ricky Lizalde should have been 'auf.' Click here to see the results.

Check back with us tomorrow for our Episode 8 poll.