Hello BPRs,
This is Robert, from Santa Monica (I'm the Librarian who hosted Tim Gunn during his book tour last spring -- and Roz reported from that event back in April -- so hello to Roz and Tim if they happen to read this). I'm reporting in from Tuesday night's "Inside Project Runway" panel talk at the Paley Center in Beverly Hills.
Laura K asked me to put together something for all of you on the evening's festivities, and here I am. I didn't write things down word for word, so most of the comments I'm mentioning here will be paraphrased. Hope you all like it. It was a great night, with 10 panelists in attendance. I was one of the earliest arrivals and got a very good seat right down in front.
The evening was held in the Paley Center's fairly small John Mitchell Theater, which seats only about 150 people. About 3 rows were reserved for PR production guests, and the rest was buzzingly happy fans. Things got started a few minutes later than the announced 7:30 p.m. start time, as Heidi's car apparently got stuck in L.A.'s typically horrendous traffic. But once she arrived, they got right down to things.
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