We have a special place in our hearts at BPR for Jack Mackenroth. Long before his casting on Season 4 he was a frequent commenter here and we cheered him on in his first attempt to make it onto the show. Now that he's gone, we can't help but what wonder what might have been. BPR chats with Jack in the wake of his emotional departure from PR:
BPR: Jack, we feel like we already know you! What would you like us to know that you are sure we haven't read before?
JM: Hmmm. Well actually I'm very sensitive and I'm a lot wackier than I was portrayed on TV. Christian, Kevin, Kit and I we're howling 24/7. I have NOT had a nose job! Lots of bloggers seem to think I have. I would admit it proudly if that were the case.
BPR: Do you have any dramatic training? We loved the Flashdance spoof. Any interest in pursuing an acting career?
JM: Possibly. I'm considering everything that comes my way. I'm not really an actor but I would love to do another reality show with some of the other contestants or with Top Chef Dale like you have suggested. I have no dramatic training-I just watched Flashdance about 200 times when it came out. And then I came out. Hee.
BPR: Would you, could you, will you try again for Season 5?
JM: I can audition again but there are no guarantees. Of course they can't promise me anything because a lot can happen between now and then. When the time comes I will have to think about it long and hard. The whole Project Runway thing has been amazing but it's also taken over my life. If I did do it next time I would be in it to win it.
Click here to continue reading our interview with Jack Mackenroth as he talks about that cameo in the SATC movie, his thoughts on some of the other designers and who his dream client would be!